Author Topic: Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?  (Read 18751 times)

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Offline Linkhiei

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« on: November 28, 2006, 11:56:28 pm »
i amazingly have a question, but it mighta been stated elsewhere so i put it in the spam section ;P

yaoi and yuri paddles are banned at sakuracon. are they banned at kumoricon too?  :shock:
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Offline Kimiski

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2006, 01:20:33 am »
Ive seen them at Kumoricon before... doesnt mean they wearnt banned though :D SOrry Idk.

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Offline The Night Bringer

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2006, 04:16:19 am »
I rebuttle the question with a question! ....umm...what is a yaoi/yuri paddle?

Offline Vondan

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2006, 04:27:34 am »
In classic form they resemble the spanking paddles used in latent homoerotic rituals in frat houses with the word yaoi carved on them instead of the frat house name.

Some one brought a home made one to a con and then a vender who saw it ran off and had some made up from canoe ors and copyrighted it with an altered spelling so every ones hates him yet wants one of his paddles.

They are used by girls who don’t want to admit their own latent Sapphic tendencies when they lust after effete pretty men.  So they gather in groups and spank such bish boys with the paddles to try and prove to themselves they don't like boys who look like girls.

Von "The Wiki Wonder" Dan
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Offline The Night Bringer

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2006, 05:26:45 am »
I see. Well thank you for the explination.

Offline pieisexactlythree

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2006, 09:47:36 am »
Quote from: "Vondan"
So they gather in groups and spank such bish boys with the paddles to try and prove to themselves they don't like boys who look like girls.

Presumably this is part and parcel of the recent emobashing trend.  Mind you, it's fine to dislike emo music and or fashion trends, but it also reeks of latent homophobia, much as did the backlash against disco in the late 70s which David Byrne described on an NPR interview last spring as basically a homophobic reaction to a form of music which was superficially associated with gays and minorities.

Offline Neko_Chan

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2006, 10:16:18 am »
I wouldn't mind if they were gone (I'd like it even). I think that alot the he people who own those paddles and wave them around at con time are rude. I'm not saying that they as a person are rude, but promoting sexuality, via a paddle, at a kid and family freindly con isn't appropriate in my eyes. I've read many a complaint on Livjournal about people being spanked and being given un-wanted attention by the paddle's owners. I belive there is a time and place for such things, (yaoicon...) however, I think it's in disrespect for not only the convention community, but the homosexual community and their supporters.

That's just my opinion.

Offline kylite

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2006, 10:29:16 am »
I will be bringing this question up with the uppers and see what the answer is but chances are if its banned at Sakuracon, its going to be banned at Kumoricon.
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Offline Vondan

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2006, 11:08:50 am »
Quote from: "pieisexactlythree"
Quote from: "Vondan"
So they gather in groups and spank such bish boys with the paddles to try and prove to themselves they don't like boys who look like girls.

Presumably this is part and parcel of the recent emobashing trend.  Mind you, it's fine to dislike emo music and or fashion trends, but it also reeks of latent homophobia, much as did the backlash against disco in the late 70s which David Byrne described on an NPR interview last spring as basically a homophobic reaction to a form of music which was superficially associated with gays and minorities.

Yes your right these girls are full of latent homophobia.   I would never homo bash of course as every ware I go every one thinks I’m gay since I like smart women without the glamour and make costumes and admit crying when working with dead babies.  At several jobs the staff reaction has been to lock me in a closet with a mildly retarded girl who said she liked me or tell every one I’m gay and that is why I don't chase after the idiot party girls in the scanner room.

I only bash people who dabble in certain fads in the frat house basement that involve doing things in a coffin or burning each others @$$ with hot wire then when they become president making anti gay laws and giving the ok to homoerotic anal torture.

Von "oh no I just realized that in HS I pegged Boy George, George Michael, Michael Jackson and Prince as gay but 3 turned out bi and one is a pedo I hope it's not the takes one to know one thing" Dan
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Offline superjaz

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2006, 11:59:05 am »
they do look like a really good way to hurt some one
difernt then props cuz no ones trying to hurt any one with those, inmost cases they took to long to make to risk
but paddles are used for .. paddling
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Offline kylite

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2006, 03:51:15 pm »
*pictures Gir running around with a YAOI paddle and promptly falls over laughing evilly*
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Offline Negima

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2006, 05:27:59 pm »
I think I remember seeing a Yaoi paddle at Kumoricon but I don't remember seeing anyone actually using it.

Offline guspasho

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2006, 06:14:08 pm »
They will be banned at Kumoricon, as will all things paddly. Whether it's yaoi, yuri, or whatever, if it's a paddle for smacking people on the rear with, it's banned.

And don't worry about whether a question has been asked before. If you tried looking and couldn't find it, ask away. If it's been answered before multiple times, people will let you know :D

Here's an idea. Instead of putting "Question" in the subject line, how about putting your question in the subject line?
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Offline Linkhiei

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2006, 08:31:17 pm »
Quote from: "guspasho"
They will be banned at Kumoricon, as will all things paddly. Whether it's yaoi, yuri, or whatever, if it's a paddle for smacking people on the rear with, it's banned.

And don't worry about whether a question has been asked before. If you tried looking and couldn't find it, ask away. If it's been answered before multiple times, people will let you know :D

Here's an idea. Instead of putting "Question" in the subject line, how about putting your question in the subject line?

good idea ;P  

and those yaoi and yuri paddles are scary >_<
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Offline Vondan

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2006, 08:41:39 pm »
what if I made Yaoi paddles from foam so they look like wood but break on the first wack and when the kids complain i tell them to look at the warrenty card and in fine print it says "SUCKERS"
Field Marshall Von Dan

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Offline guspasho

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2006, 08:54:39 pm »
We'll probably confiscate foam paddles too. Not sure.

I should also mention that if we allow vendors to sell them at all our policy will be like other banned items, you will be expected to take the item straight to your room or your car and not carry it around the convention. That is if we allow vendors to sell them at all. I don't know if we will ask vendors to avoid selling them or not.
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Offline Vondan

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2006, 09:01:43 pm »
It's ok if you confiscate foam paddles as long as I can sell them for an outragious markup and not be sued for injuries
Field Marshall Von Dan

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Offline Brack

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2006, 02:49:42 am »
Probably will be banned.... The ANCEAA has been having a real issue with their new voted in admin, and an even bigger issue with poles up their butts, causing them to beat down on the very foundation of anime... censoring each and every little thing that isn't found "acceptable" at a convention in America.

As a little sidenote, one of the guys on the inside of the Sakuracon admin told me the story of how the Yaoi paddles got banned. Basically, there were a bunch of people on Sakuracon admin that got really annoyed with the abundance of the paddles going around. One of them got so fed up that in order to get his way, he "complained" to the ANCEAA that the paddles were "offensive", thus not creating a family friendly environment for conventions. ANCEAA took every precautionary measure and banned YAOI paddles from being brought to any anime convention within the ANCEAA.

I have a plan up my sleeves for next year's Sakuracon though...

Offline guspasho

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2006, 07:22:21 am »
The way I understand it, someone got injured from these things last year, on top of numerous complaints from attendees about people smacking them without their consent, particularly in a crowd where they couldn't identify the culprit. If this is really the case I don't see anything wrong with banning these things. They're an open invitation for abuse.
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Offline Vondan

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2006, 01:46:47 pm »
so I could sell harmless nerf paddles to the unsuspecting Yaoi fans in the ally behind the con?
Field Marshall Von Dan

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Offline rarnom

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2006, 10:02:28 pm »
Quote from: "Negima"
I think I remember seeing a Yaoi paddle at Kumoricon but I don't remember seeing anyone actually using it.

I used one to spank Chris-formerly-known-as-bakazoku-chris.

We got it on film.

it was funny.

When we finally get around to our final nice production of the K-con footage I'll make sure it is included.  It might show up on youtube in the next month or so too.
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Offline Mei Long

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2006, 10:45:44 pm »
I personally don't like Yaoi and Yuri paddles. The thought that someone else could just come up and whack me across my rear at anytime just seems rather like a violation of my personal space. Not everyone asks after all. >< I would be relieved if they were banned, after hearing stories from others who have been hit by them (without consent).
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Offline BlackjackGabbiani

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2006, 12:24:12 am »
A semi-unrelated question--did they ever make Het Paddles?

Offline Radien

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2006, 07:03:10 pm »
I hadn't heard that people were using the yaoi/yuri paddles to "punish" people who exhibit those tendencies.  I always figured it was a fetish item for people who liked yaoi or yuri.

I don't really approve of either of those uses, though. And let me affirm something: it does NOT have anything to do with the fact that it relates to alternate sexual preferences. I'm not fond of the yaoi/yuri fanbase, but it's because of the way it's treated, not because of homophobia.

I am against the paddles for one of two reasons: A) the promotion of S/M fetishes (which aren't appropriate for the con if we care at all about our public image), or B) the likelihood that they will be used to swing at people, since that is what they are designed to do. In the latter case, I think they should be treated just like any other non-prop weapon, since they are made of hard wood, which is capable of hurting people (especially if they miss and hit someone in the head).

I am not at all happy to hear that a vendor not only stole the idea but copyrighted it, but it's hearsay at this point and as staff I wouldn't push that as a particular reason to ban them.

Quote from: "BlackjackGabbiani"
A semi-unrelated question--did they ever make Het Paddles?

That would be frickin' hilarious. A big ol' label marked "HETERO" instead of yaoi or yuri.

VonDan, if you ever go through with your joke about nerf yaoi/yuri paddles (which *might* be within the rules), I highly suggest you add that to your plans. :D
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Offline Vondan

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Will yaoi/yuri paddles be banned at Kumoricon?
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2006, 08:13:50 pm »
Quote from: "Radien"

VonDan, if you ever go through with your joke about nerf yaoi/yuri paddles (which *might* be within the rules), I highly suggest you add that to your plans. :D

That can be another "Art" project for the nerdy club on saterday
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