
Should I make some posters from the cosplay shoot?

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Voting closed: December 19, 2006, 07:12:40 pm

Author Topic: 2007 cosplay shoots  (Read 6448 times)

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Offline Givon

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2007 cosplay shoots
« on: December 19, 2006, 07:12:40 pm »
Is some one going to organize one this year? Cause last year none of the staff I talked to knew anything about any of the shoot. If there isn't some one that is going to organize one I will be happy to. But first I would like to know.

 If there isn't any one, I just need to know what are the main anime's are going to be there. So just post what anime and character you are going as, and I can organize something. As well if we have alot of one character we can come up with something that would be fun to take pictures of for the shoot  :D

 As well even if there is one or a couple of people that are cosplaying that aren't in a big group. We can probably set something up, if I know ahead of time, I could make some props for you guys as well.  Mybe i'll even bring my good camera and I can make some of the group pictures into posters!!!!

Ok, I have just made another account on DA, so people can post there images there if they would like. The link is http://xgivonx.deviantart.com/
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Offline Trumby

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2006, 11:55:35 pm »
Well, first of all...this is really, really early.

Second of all, photoshoots are not run by staff (or the con at all)..so if a staffer isn't participating in one, they most likely aren't going to know about them.

Thirdly: Photoshoots aren't really ever established until the last week or two before the con, because of the events schedule. Without knowing when main events are, you can't really plan a photoshoot.

Personally, I'd wait until we get a whole lot closer to the con.
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Offline Vondan

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2006, 12:27:45 am »
On a related note:

At the last con I brought a box of plastic Katana, Kuni, Stars and guns for the Photo Booth/Area so the kiddies could pose with them as some people left props at home due to the sudden ban.  I never did find the Photo Booth and gave them away to random kids over the weekend.  I learned later the photo area was a sort of dead end hall near the piano people kept playing badly during lectures a few doors a way.

This year as part of trying to make the room ware most of the Cosplay panels will be held  more interactive as a sort of cosplay lab for project work and stuff between panels I had the idea of putting the photo booth into one corner of the cosplay lab (or nearby) with props and it would be keen if some one could find some large murals and things for backgrounds or at least different colored sheets.  

I'm not a photographer so I have nothing equipment or material wise for this other then the idea and maybe more toys next year.
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Offline Givon

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2006, 10:29:14 pm »
Quote from: "Trumby"
Well, first of all...this is really, really early.

Second of all, photoshoots are not run by staff (or the con at all)..so if a staffer isn't participating in one, they most likely aren't going to know about them.

Thirdly: Photoshoots aren't really ever established until the last week or two before the con, because of the events schedule. Without knowing when main events are, you can't really plan a photoshoot.

Personally, I'd wait until we get a whole lot closer to the con.

I know this was very early to post. Yet I still just like to try and get an idea of who is going as what. Alot of people I know already know who they are going as. Now that I know that the staff has nothing to do with this I will be happy to try and find something that I can help out with. For I know alot of people would like something atleast organized for this.
 Like I said I know this is a little early yet I can atleast get an idea what I can work with and all. Thanks for the post ^_^
"Ever done it with a ninja?....want to do it again?"~ Givons random moment

Offline Givon

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2006, 10:39:55 pm »
Quote from: "Vondan"
On a related note:

At the last con I brought a box of plastic Katana, Kuni, Stars and guns for the Photo Booth/Area so the kiddies could pose with them as some people left props at home due to the sudden ban.  I never did find the Photo Booth and gave them away to random kids over the weekend.  I learned later the photo area was a sort of dead end hall near the piano people kept playing badly during lectures a few doors a way.

This year as part of trying to make the room ware most of the Cosplay panels will be held  more interactive as a sort of cosplay lab for project work and stuff between panels I had the idea of putting the photo booth into one corner of the cosplay lab (or nearby) with props and it would be keen if some one could find some large murals and things for backgrounds or at least different colored sheets.  

I'm not a photographer so I have nothing equipment or material wise for this other then the idea and maybe more toys next year.

Thats a great idea!!!! I have the equipment, for my dad is a publisher of fine art. He said he would be bringing his good camera this year to get some group pictures. As for the murals I bet I can come up with something. All I need to know ahead of time is what kind of area we would have to work with, size, lighting, things in that catagory.

Mybe we can come up with something that every one would like. Like you said you have some probs and I have some as well. Though some we can't use cause I believe they are exceeding the hiegth limit. Then again nobody will actually be carring it around. It would just be a prob fo photo shoots.

 Anywho if you are up to it, would you like to help me with this. I mean you don't have to answer me right away, we have awhile till the con. But if ya do let me know. That would be much appreciated ^_^
"Ever done it with a ninja?....want to do it again?"~ Givons random moment

Offline Trumby

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2006, 11:21:57 pm »
Well, no problem with looking into it, maybe the staff could organize some photoshoots, but for the most part I think most cons stay away from that and let the attendees do it, that way you can make most people happy with the times. Not everyone will be happy with them, but well that just comes with the territory.

Now a photobooth, offically sanctioned, on the other hand..that's something to think about ^-^
2011 New Cosplay Plans: Boba Fett, Hoshi (Arakawa Under the Bridge), Malcolm Reynolds

Offline Givon

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2006, 11:30:58 pm »
Quote from: "Trumby"
Well, no problem with looking into it, maybe the staff could organize some photoshoots, but for the most part I think most cons stay away from that and let the attendees do it, that way you can make most people happy with the times. Not everyone will be happy with them, but well that just comes with the territory.

Now a photobooth, offically sanctioned, on the other hand..that's something to think about ^-^

Yea I agree with you, I think Vondan cam up with a great idea! Mybe we should have a photoboth, that way we can organize it. And like you said we can come up with times that most people would/can work with. ^_^
"Ever done it with a ninja?....want to do it again?"~ Givons random moment

Offline superjaz

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2006, 12:06:05 am »
also it depends on what would be a good area out of the main stream of trafic to have a shoot, tennis courts and parks whatever
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline Vondan

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2006, 01:24:35 am »
The photo area I’m talking of last year was just a dead end hall way that was out of the way for any one who wanted to take pictures and I guess have space to primp and pose.  It was a Bring your own Cam kind of deal.   I never found it so I have no idea what the size or lighting was like.  The big group photo shoots have always been organized privately around groups of acquaintances going dressed from the same anime and then finding more players to fill in the missing characters.

Next year the tentative plan is to move the Repair station (ME) from the fan fiction room to the new Cosplay Room.  I'll be there 8 or 10 hours a day from open to close, and I have heard from one person directly (Who volunteers to dress like an anime repair girl) and have been told from staff two others want to work the repair station. This is the start of having some one watching the Cosplay Room at all hours so the lecturers can bring things they did not want to have to lug around for demonstrations (like sewing machines) and other supplies and materials for an open cosplay lab between classes.  

My idea for the Photo area would be a corner of that room or a nearby space with pre set lighting, props and backgrounds maybe with a volunteer to watch it.  But it would mostly be for con goers to BYOC and take pictures in ones or twos.  I suppose the pro shooters could also use the space and it could be a location for signing up and organizing the big group shoots outside.  Another idea is the secondary live event room to use the stage between scheduled events.

Some things I may bring would be more plastic swords and guns (Depending on what I see at the Dollar store that I cent resist) I may help with the Foam demo and was going to experiment and make a sword with retardedly huge blade 8 feet long and call it the “Baka Blade” Also one possible helper said she would dress as an anime fix it girl but I have to make a huge wrench so she can hit all the FMA cosplayers.   And I figure any thing else that is lying around the room for demonstration or example that people want to try on and play dress up.  

As far as backgrounds, I know how to make the frames and flats but they are not very portable or foldable (just 1 x 2 pine old bed sheets and dope (Wood glue and water).  I'd make some for the con and let other paint them but they would have to be kept in the con storage with the easels and art panels that we also need to go up and spend a day to repair and recover those.  Those roll up backgrounds like the more fanciful ones at a sears kids’ photo booth would be cool.

Just some ideas of mine but I’m told I have weird Ideas no one takes seriously.  Like when I wanted to open a 7-11on the moon and sell slurpees, they laughed at that idea and then the next year they found ice on the moon.  No one laughs now
Field Marshall Von Dan

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Offline valliegirl

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2006, 09:58:21 am »
There's actually a park with a gazebo right across the street from the front of the hotel, and the water front isn't that far away.  I'd suggest that the next time we have a kumoricon meeting at the hotel, whoever is interested in organizing such a thing should scout out area in and around the hotel to do their shots.  :)
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Offline Givon

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2006, 08:00:40 pm »
Quote from: "superjaz3p"
also it depends on what would be a good area out of the main stream of trafic to have a shoot, tennis courts and parks whatever

Well its at the Exspo this year...correct *is brain dead at the moment* If so we could have an area blocked off at a certain time or have something that is outside and is out of the way. That is what normally happends. ^_^
"Ever done it with a ninja?....want to do it again?"~ Givons random moment

Offline Givon

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2006, 08:15:16 pm »
Quote from: "Vondan"
The photo area I’m talking of last year was just a dead end hall way that was out of the way for any one who wanted to take pictures and I guess have space to primp and pose.  It was a Bring your own Cam kind of deal.   I never found it so I have no idea what the size or lighting was like.  The big group photo shoots have always been organized privately around groups of acquaintances going dressed from the same anime and then finding more players to fill in the missing characters.

Next year the tentative plan is to move the Repair station (ME) from the fan fiction room to the new Cosplay Room.  I'll be there 8 or 10 hours a day from open to close, and I have heard from one person directly (Who volunteers to dress like an anime repair girl) and have been told from staff two others want to work the repair station. This is the start of having some one watching the Cosplay Room at all hours so the lecturers can bring things they did not want to have to lug around for demonstrations (like sewing machines) and other supplies and materials for an open cosplay lab between classes.  

My idea for the Photo area would be a corner of that room or a nearby space with pre set lighting, props and backgrounds maybe with a volunteer to watch it.  But it would mostly be for con goers to BYOC and take pictures in ones or twos.  I suppose the pro shooters could also use the space and it could be a location for signing up and organizing the big group shoots outside.  Another idea is the secondary live event room to use the stage between scheduled events.

Some things I may bring would be more plastic swords and guns (Depending on what I see at the Dollar store that I cent resist) I may help with the Foam demo and was going to experiment and make a sword with retardedly huge blade 8 feet long and call it the “Baka Blade” Also one possible helper said she would dress as an anime fix it girl but I have to make a huge wrench so she can hit all the FMA cosplayers.   And I figure any thing else that is lying around the room for demonstration or example that people want to try on and play dress up.  

As far as backgrounds, I know how to make the frames and flats but they are not very portable or foldable (just 1 x 2 pine old bed sheets and dope (Wood glue and water).  I'd make some for the con and let other paint them but they would have to be kept in the con storage with the easels and art panels that we also need to go up and spend a day to repair and recover those.  Those roll up backgrounds like the more fanciful ones at a sears kids’ photo booth would be cool.

Just some ideas of mine but I’m told I have weird Ideas no one takes seriously.  Like when I wanted to open a 7-11on the moon and sell slurpees, they laughed at that idea and then the next year they found ice on the moon.  No one laughs now

Thats pretty w337 if we can get something going on in the corner of the room or another room. We can have it so that people can set up there cameras and take there own pictures. Or if they would like a professional shot of a group or singal shots. They can ask there friends or I can ask my dad if he would be willing to help with this. Knowing him he would gladly do so ^_^

 If that doesn't work out we can just do what most people did in 2005. Which was just get every one out in the front of the hotel where there was alot of room, and take the pictures from there. We can still most likly have some kind of back ground. Either there might be a good angle we can get there. Or I can bring my gaint green screen so we can just edit some back grounds into the pictures. That really isn't hard.

 As well as I was thinking of making a jungle prop. Which is very simple to make. So that, for example: If there are alot of ninjas, the image can look as though they are in a jungle or forest. All it is are poles that have actual wood on them so they look like real trees. And get some vines that you can find at micheals, or even make them from fake leaves and green cords. I believe I still have some from a school project I did a couple of years ago.

 I think when i'm down there I'll scope out the area better to get a better idea where we can do this. Also take some photos to post on here so that people that are interested can have a say where they would like it to be held.
"Ever done it with a ninja?....want to do it again?"~ Givons random moment

Offline Givon

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2007 cosplay shoots
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2006, 08:22:11 pm »
Quote from: "valliegirl"
There's actually a park with a gazebo right across the street from the front of the hotel, and the water front isn't that far away.  I'd suggest that the next time we have a kumoricon meeting at the hotel, whoever is interested in organizing such a thing should scout out area in and around the hotel to do their shots.  :)

*raises hand* I'll be scouting out the area when I visit Portland...which is in about a week. I'll be taking pictures and such we other people can have a say in it as well ^_^

So theres a gazebo ...eh? Hmmm that might be a good place for people who are in pairs >w< and I know a little about the water front. Like I said when I go down there I can figure out more things. Thanks for bringing these up!!!! This is helping alot!
"Ever done it with a ninja?....want to do it again?"~ Givons random moment