My blood sugar.
Was watching some Diamond Daydreams. A series of vignettes centering on young women of Hokkaido. It was okay, but just not my bag so much. If anything, I really would like to visit Hakodate, it looks so scenic with the isthmus of city that you see from that hill. See Noein if you really want to see what Hakodate is like.
We watched Zathura last night. It wasn't so bad. Jumanji was better though. I wonder if even Robin Williams could have made Zathura better. Prolly not.
We started watching a film that had Christian Bale in it, and Boromir of LOTR. Huh, I didn't even know it wasn't anime. Just something I clicked on to order. Didn't finish it. I can only handle so much fascism as evil in cinema. Two reasons. One: film makers don't know squat about actual politics to be able to portray something that isn't their hearts desire. Two: I can hardly believe we would let it happen AGAIN! It was so horrible the first go around.
Wow, I just remembered that I started something, it purports itself to be anime, but it is one of those dub only anime, because someone thought they had really super actors, so could do that. It looks like it is very similar in style to those Batman Beyond/Justice League/Superman series. Maybe they took a little more time in the creation to devote to background. It's supposed to be related to some video game. I feel like I am watching Alien, but with more people to kill off. More fascistic idiots in charge I guess. Blah!
So I may watch Dan in Real LIfe tonight when I get home. I think Steve Carrell is great. But I don't think I can stand watching the Office, that's a matter of filming techniques.