Author Topic: Cosplay event initial info...  (Read 1649 times)

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Offline Runa

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Cosplay event initial info...
« on: January 31, 2007, 09:01:22 am »
I haven't yet recieved info on the stage size, room layout, backstage area, etc. for Cosplay. I'm also still pondering the "official rules", so if you've got opinions on ways to improve Cosplay, here's your chance to express what was bad and what was really good about last year (no commentary on the entrants, please, this is about the way cosplay was managed).

Last year, since the rules didn't state what classifications to use for the judging, the judges decided to divide the entrants into "Youth" and "Adult" to ensure the young ones had the opportunity to win something... a year (or two) before that the judges had the contestants rate themselves as novice, journeyman, or master (there were a few entrants who mis-classified themselves, though, as few really understood the classifications).

So, we can either state classifications in the rules, or let the judges decide how to handle it when they sit down to actually judge.  Your preferences?  NOTE:  Currently I don't have info on how many prizes will be available or whether we're getting ribbons or swag or both.

Next, here are some random judges' notes/hints for you while you plan your cosplay:
Costume judging
* Last year judges were given a 5 minute time limit for examining each costume...if you were there last year, you noticed the timekeeper who'd give the judges a time warning if they were dallying too long...this was to ensure that the costume judging would be finished before people started filing into the event room. Yes, some felt rushed, but we either rush everyone through the judging or have everyone hang around for 4+ hours waiting to be judged...
 * The judges have not seen every single anime, nor do they recognize every character (even if it's very popular in your circle of friends, it may not be known to the judges!), so be certain to bring the color pictures of your character that you used to help you make the costume. (Keep the pictures with you so they aren't lost!).
* Be sure to tell the judges a little bit about your costume -- things you did to make it, certain features of the costume that were especially difficult to make, or other interesting details that a casual observer may not notice.

Cosplay/stage judging
* Be certain everyone can hear and understand you. Don't mumble -- speak loudly and clearly. You spent a lot of time writing that joke and it'll fall flat if no one can understand what you said.
* The judges strongly recommend[/b][/u] that you record your dialog and music (NOTE: the winning acts last year all had pre-recorded dialogs, sound effects, and music).  I would like to have some recording equipment available at the con, but I don't know if that's possible, so PLEASE record your soundtrack before you go to the convention and LABEL it clearly (occasionally disks are lost/damaged so be sure to keep a back up copy!).  
* The event is PG-13.

Offline TomtheFanboy

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Cosplay event initial info...
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2007, 09:46:03 am »
You know, this is great information. You were going to meet up at Lloyd Center next Sunday right? Well I'm printing out your post so I don't forget to discuss all of this information with the Programming staff at the meeting on Saturday.

The biggest stumbling block right now is that while we have registration forms on the website, we still have no panelist or cosplay forms. Once we have those I'm sure the official rules will be available as well.

I will highly recommend the idea of getting equipment to record audio together before hand. At the very least somebody should be able to get a tape deck. We have enough computer geeks on staff that getting some real audio equipment  on a computer with a CD burner should be doable. Especially if we can get all the audio put onto one CD before the competition starts.

If you don't have audio recorded that's OK. I personally am leery of the audience laughing over my lines. Just make sure to pace the skit so you can share microphones, or at least get the people who CAN'T yell to use the microphones.

Since we are likely to have a 3 minute time limit once again, reherse, reherse, reherse and make sure your skit isn't too long.

Finally, make sure to look up the pronunciation of character names and Japanese phrases so that I don't have to listen to the bitches behind me scream obscenities and corrections at you, ruining the skit for me.  :roll:
Tom the Fanboy
Passion over Pedantry!
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