Starting in August, we'll be coming up to crunch time. There a lot of info everyone needs and a lot of opportunities to help out before con.
Next month, there will be two meetings for the con. Both are going to be extremely important, not only because of the information that will be provided at those meetings, but because of activities that we'll have surrounding the meetings.
August 10th is the end of the third tier. This is important for a couple of reasons. #1 If you're a volunteer and you haven't registered for the convention, this will be your last chance to register at the discounted price of $35. Please see the website on instructions on how to either register online or via mail in. Mail must be postmarked before August 10th. Beyond August 10th, you will be charged a full 40 dollars for a weekend registration. #2 End of tier means badges need to be sent out. Considering how little time we have between End of tier and Con itself, these badges must be mailed out that very same weekend. Which means we'll need as many people as possible, Volunteers and Staff alike, on hand to help us out with stuffing badges into envelopes. The next envelope stuffing will be Saturday, August 11th at 8 am, and will be held at the Vancouver Hilton Convention Center. We will keep it going all morning. That afternoon will be a Kumoricon meeting, which will be good for you to stick around for. There's a lot of important information regarding the convention given out at these meetings.
The other important date will be Saturday, August 25th, which is also the day of a Kumoricon meeting. We'll, again, be at the Vancouver Hilton Convention Center. After the actual meeting itself, we will need volunteers and staff to stick around to help stuff promotional swag into bags. These bags will be handed out to attendees at the convention.
Also, one of these mentioned weekends, there will also be a Mini-Con event, date to be officially announced sometime in the near future. And if he hasn't already, I'm sure Guspasho will make a huge post of his own about it soon enough. We'll also need people to help out with that in August, Staff and Volunteers alike.
These are both excellent opportunities for hours. They'll also be a great opportunity for you to know and recognize the people you'll be working with come Labor Day to help make this convention a success. If you can come out to help us out and any point either of these two days, please email me to let me know so I know exactly how many people to expect at both functions.