.... I don't understand the whole Anbu Black Ops thing... It doesn't even refer to them, but whatever. A whole ton of people called us Anbu Black Ops.
Well, I'm looking for some Videos or Pictures of our group. We had a Tobi, a Deidara, an Itachi, and a Sasori. As far as I know, I was the only good fully-cloaked Sasori. I saw one other run around with their cloak open, with a white shirt on that had the compartments printed on them.
I really wish we had some pictures taken by ourselves, but I don't. The only one I can find is from a year ago, without most of us in it, so I'm not going to post it.
I'd love some links to galleries that may have us in them, or a video to our skit. The skit is most important, since we have friends from around the US waiting to see it.
Ways of messaging me:
Msn/Most Used Email: crookedstar7107@hotmail.com
Yahoo: aiko7107
Or on here. Thanks for the help!