Author Topic: Greetings and request for comments!  (Read 3419 times)

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Offline Caigan

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Greetings and request for comments!
« on: September 04, 2007, 11:49:17 am »
Hello everyone, I would just like to say hi and introduce myself! I also have a request I'll get to shortly.

This year was my first year attending Kumoricon...and my first year being staff at a convention. This also happens to be only my second convention EVER, the first being Bakacon way back when. During the convention, I was one of two people(I know of) wearing a Prinny hat, and the only one to wear it pretty much all convention (my roommate is the other one, but halfway through the second day he left it off because it was too warm, and never put it back on). For part of it, I also had Big Sis Prinny plush around my neck, but that made it difficult to do some staff stuff, so I had to go put her in a safe place.

Now, what did I do other than run around during the con helping here and there? I did the Pocket Programming guide. I couldn't help but smile while I was running around seeing people easily flip through the guide for information, or hear "check the pocket guide", or those comments during rant and rave about how they liked the guide.

Here is where my request comes in. I'm hoping to do the Pocket Guide next year also. With the convention fresh on your mind, I would like to hear your likes and dislikes about the pocket guide, and what you would like to see kept or changed.

One thing I heard at the rant and rave was the hotel map in the guide was good, but it needed the actual room names too (Alder, etc). Things like that I would REALLY like to hear, as I want to improve the pocket guide as much as possible!

Offline TanisNikana

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Re: Greetings and request for comments!
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2007, 11:51:53 am »
Could you include an extra copy of the hotel map somewhere in the midsection of the schedule? I keep forgetting where it is, and have to go off to look for it, fumbling around for a half minute and finding it in the front...

Other than that, very well done and it was a useful tool for me. ^_^


Offline Caigan

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Re: Greetings and request for comments!
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2007, 12:02:20 pm »
Could you include an extra copy of the hotel map somewhere in the midsection of the schedule? I keep forgetting where it is, and have to go off to look for it, fumbling around for a half minute and finding it in the front...

Other than that, very well done and it was a useful tool for me. ^_^


Your welcome! I wanted the map at the very beginning of the guide so it'd be the easiest place to flip to. A second copy in the guide wouldn't work in my mind(space constraints), but the possibility of maybe a seperate half sheet of paper or something with the map on it included in the swag bag or something might work.

Offline TanisNikana

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Re: Greetings and request for comments!
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2007, 12:04:29 pm »
And the abbreviated schedule on the back of that paper. ^_^

Offline Caigan

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Re: Greetings and request for comments!
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2007, 12:08:49 pm »
And the abbreviated schedule on the back of that paper. ^_^

Not a bad idea.  ;D

Offline Saigin

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Re: Greetings and request for comments!
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2007, 12:22:33 pm »
It was pretty good, but I couldn't find when the panels were, although I didn't look thoroughly. Great job!!!
j00 h@v3 b33n pwn3d

Offline Caigan

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Re: Greetings and request for comments!
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2007, 01:01:03 pm »
It was pretty good, but I couldn't find when the panels were, although I didn't look thoroughly. Great job!!!

Thank you! I have a few changes in mind myself, mostly making the map a little easier to read than it already is.

Offline Caigan

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Re: Greetings and request for comments!
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2007, 07:13:56 pm »
So, reading a bunch of other posts and comments and whatnot, a few more things about the pocket guide I think would be good improvements :

  • ATM Locations : Adding this before didn't cross my mind until I constantly saw the "Out of Service" sign on the ATM machine constantly. This would be excellent since not all vendors accept anything but cash.
  • Clearer schedule : Mostly it seems a few folks had trouble figuring out when a panel ended or began. On the Live Schedule page, a thicker line was used for every hour mark, and I think that would be excellent to use on the pocket guide.

Anyone else have trouble figuring certain things out here and there? Stuff that I could try alleviating?