Thank you to.... everyone... Cause everyone is awesome.
All the attendees for your enthusiasm and love of the con. You're the ones we do this for.
Meg... because she works so hard and puts so much into every single thing. Registration wouldn't have been nearly as awesome this year if she hadn't been nearly as involved as she was from the beginning.
Rian, cause you do tons of stuff too, and you don't get a lot of credit.
Brownie for having the mercy to not strangle each and every one of us. I know how difficult it is to fight that urge to kill at times.
John Krall, for stepping up and picking up the pieces. You deserve tons of respect.
Each and every volunteer... you guys did so much just for the hell of it and really didn't get as much in return as what you deserved.
Specifically Jaz and Rachael, for busting your butts for me before and during con, and for putting in too many hours to even freaking count (something over 70). You guys are just gonna be staff next year, right? Right??
To anyone who drove me anywhere this year for con related stuff, Jaz and Chris, Leashy, Meg and Rian, Kenton, Mike, Dawn, Kry, Patrick... And anyone I forgot.
To anyone who got me food during con... Like Kry and Michelle. You have no idea how much I appreciate food deliveries when I'm doing con work for 14 hours straight with little more than 5 minute potty breaks here and there.
To Tom, for putting up with me and trying to stand in for me when I can't be there.
To Mike Dawn Andrew and everyone who worked on Reg at any point before or during con. Holy crap do I appreciate each and every one of you, but there's too many to name and some of you I don't know your names.
To the girl from A Key Kyo for giving me a hug on the last day. I hope you guys got food.
To Hawkeye, Kenton, and Megan Huey for helping me get from Beaverton to Portland on Friday and waiting around my apartment for the check that never came.
To anyone who asked me how I was. I wasn't, and I thank you for acknowledging.
To whoever nominated me for director of programming in 08... I couldn't accept because of previous engagements (pun intended), but if it means you thought I might do a good job with it, I appreciate the thought.
To anyone who thanked me for anything because it makes the blood sweat and tears worth it knowing that someone out there appreciates it.
To those taking my positions next year, should you choose to accept... I know you guys will do a great job in 08.