Hiya everyone! At the convention, I lost my precious little naruto plushie. T3T
This is what he looks like, the plushie on the right. As you can see, he is wearing a fox suit. I bought him during kumori con 2006 with the sasuke kitty, and he is quite precious. i checked the lost and found during the convention, but they never contacted me, so i have no idea if they found him or not.
if you found him, please please PLEASE tell me! I miss him very much, (and so does the sasuke kitty!) As far as I could tell, these plushies were NOT for sale at the convention this year, so he should have been the only one floating around.
it is possible that he was left behind in the anime viewing room, but he was not found there when later checked.
he's so cute someone probably just stole him once they found him...T-T