Hello everyone!
A couple of my buds and I make it a habit to go to Uwajimaya once or twice a month, if not to buy something, to window shop with extreme prejudice. =) We figured, with Kumoricon having just finished, and as we were unable to complete the previous Uwajimaya get together as was previously posted, we thought we'd give it another go, eh? Date and time always subject to change if need be, but what we got thus far is as follows:
Where: Beaverton Uwajimaya (www.Uwajimaya.com) - Directions and address found on website
When: Sunday, September 16th @ 2:00PM- Lunch at Sambi's following Uwajimaya @ approx 3:30PM
If I'm missing anything, please let me know. =) I figured we could all just meet out in front of the store, have a bit of introduction time, and proceed to ravage. In addition, there are two Japanese restaurants very close by with reasonable prices. Hakatamon, which is actually in Uwajimaya, and Sambi's, which is just down the street. I believe Hakatamon is closed between 2PM-5PM, but Sambi's should be open. Should peoples be hungry, I thought a late lunch at 3:00/4:00, depending on how long we shop, would be nice.
Anywho, input is welcome if anyone has anything to add. Hope to see you there! ^^
UPDATEIt looks like Festival Japan will be taking place at Uwajimaya this weekend as well. For additional information, please visit
http://www.jaso.org/. In addition, I've been informed that a Kumoricon booth, as well as preregistration for 08' at the lowest possible price of $25 will be available. Please visit the thread located at
http://www.kumoricon.org/forums/index.php?topic=5518.0 for further information. =D