Yeah, not really candidate issues Ellen. The running out of checks happens. The receipts were never found. The panel stuff was not the treasurers responsibility... it was progamming's.
Kumoricash was fumbled on many many levels last year. The paper was never found (to my knowledge), a person to do it was never found, and there never was a decision on how much to print (had we found the paper).
In 06, Kumoricash was signed by the treasurer, programming, and chair. This was a bit absurd, and required far too much work. Ultimately, the treasurer would be the one to sign it. But, this responsibility should not fall on the treasurer to make the kumoricash as he/she is generally quite busy during the con with cash drops, reimbursements, purchasing, etc.
The process of how things are going to work is going to evolve quite a bit this year... reimbursements, account access, budgeting, etc. Last year, monetarily, was horrible. A lot of money was wasted on a lot of things, because budgeting was extremely lacking (Tara tried, very hard, to get things under control... but met with obstinate directors).
But, again, this discussion is for the board election area, that the candidates and the board have access to.