Author Topic: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)  (Read 14387 times)

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2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« on: October 09, 2007, 06:28:42 pm »
October 7th, 2007 GM
Presiding: Meg Uhde
Minutes taker: Tamara Fuller

Notice, and public reading of policies passed by the board on 10/06/07.

Motion 1:
   In order to remove ambiguity between staff and volunteer positions
from the organization structure of Kumoricon, no positions which lack
a defined role shall be created or  hired into. Grunts, Mooks and
street team staff members shall no longer be considered staff members
or be listed as such on the official organizational charts. All other
hour-based positions existing in the charts will be limited in number
by the director of their department and the board to the extent that
the hour based position will incur a high level of responsibility and
hours. This resolution shall come into effect following the general
elections of October 7, 2007.

Motion 2:

Full Text:
   Volunteers who have dedicated hours to a specific area of work and are
willing to take responsibility to continue similar work up to the
standards required of a staff member may have their work defined with
a title and added to the org charts on approval of the director if the
director determines the work to be beneficial, necessary, or vital to
the function of the department.

Motion 3:
   Those three volunteers who have each accumulated the most volunteer
hours by the completion of the convention year as recorded by the
volunteer manager, and who complete the staff application shall become
staff members as defined by the bylaws for the remainder of that
convention year. This resolution shall come into effect following the general
elections of October 7, 2007.

Board proposes amendments discussed on 10/6 in regards to defining quorum, and the voting powers of the Founding Directors.

Full text of Amendment:

Amendment to the bylaws of ALTONIMBUS ENTERTAINMENT:


 "The Board may amend the By-Laws of ALTONIMBUS ENTERTAINMENT as deemed
 necessary or desirable on approval of a 2/3 majority vote by the membership."


"Those members attending a meeting shall constitute a quorum."


"Quorum for meetings of the membership shall be one fifth of those
eligible voting members."



 A: Amendments
 A two thirds vote of the Board and a two thirds vote of the
Membership at a meeting that meets quorum and notice requirements as
defined in these bylaws shall be required to amend or replace the
Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws.



Call for Vote:
Vote passes
Yes 49
No 0
Abstentions 3

Amendment passes.

Amendment to strike voting rights for founders.

Full Text of Amendment:


"The Board of Directors shall consist of the Founders of ALTONIMBUS
ENTERTAINMENT ("Founding Directors") and such other Directors as from
time to time be elected.  The number of Directors on the Board of
Directors shall not be less than five or more than 15.   The number of
directors shall be set by resolution of the Board.  Each Officer of
the corporation shall be a Director, but regardless of how many
offices an individual may hold, each person shall have only one vote
on the Board of Directors."


"The Board of Directors ("Board") shall consist of the Founders of
ALTONIMBUS ENTERTAINMENT ("Founding Directors"), and the Officers
defined in these Bylaws. An individual shall only have one vote on the
Board as long as they are an Officer. Founding Directors who do not
hold an office shall not have a vote on the Board but shall still
enjoy the right to participate in meetings of the Board. All
individuals on the Board shall be known as "Directors" but only
Officers shall be considered "Directors in office".


Call for Vote:  Seconded
42 yes
No 0
Abstentions 4

Amendment passes.

New Business

Question about removal or board member?
Voting body is the one to remove body.

Asking for thoughts on board intervention on Bad Director?

Legal issues to remove member, maybe better done privately.
No work may be done while director in process of being removed.
Motion to be removed generated anonymously. 
Probationary status.
Ask for discussion to be resumed with new board.

New Presiding Officers: Ryan Stasel, Duncan Barth, Peter Verrey
Minutes taker: Tamara Fuller

Motion for voting.

Ballots passed out.

Candidates have to be in attendance.  A vote for waffles will be counted and an abstentions.

In the case of not clear majority, a second vote will be cast with only the 2 top vote getters running.

Votes will not be shared, only the victor will be announced.

Candidate:  Brownie Williams
Candidate: Mike Andrews

Why is Brownie doing this?
Wants to see con flourish.

What would be the biggest policy change?

Mike:  Focus on attendees.  Spread burdens evenly.
Brownie: Get bylaws ratified and finished

How would you address the lack of communication between departments?

Brownie:  Internet!  Networked PC between info-booth, prog, ops, reg,  more techs.
Mike:  Same area for departments.  IF everyone in same place, like this hotel, it will be easier.

How would you help ease the stress?

Brownie:  Decrease attendees (joke) Do the work necessary.  P^6.  Proper planning prevents piss pour performance.
Mike:  Continuing from 2007, reg is doing awesome job.  Getting stuff done a head of time.  STICKING TO DEADLINES.

Daily life?  Do you have enough time to be con chair?  Where to you live, ho do you get here?

Mike:  no outside commitments, contractor.  New job will understand that k-con is big focus.  Lives in Wilsonville.
Brownie:  full time students, 14 credits.  Hope to move to Washington.  Lives in Eugene, has reliable car and reliable driver.

Vice chair suggestions?  Why?

Brownie:  Mike. 
Mike:  Dawn.

Issues between Ops and Yojimbo and attendees.  Assisting both attendees and yojimbo with communication?

Mike:   No ambiguity.  Exact policies.
Brownie:  Everyone on staff must read understand and know policies.  No room for interpretation.

How will you deal with contentious board?

Brownie:  No issue with separating friend from employer. 
Mike:  Be focus on con moving forward.  “you are negatively impacting con”  Greater good.

How to make sure outstanding staff is recognized?

Brownie:  Dead Dog party.  Thank you and hugs.  Not good way to do it.
Mike:  Kudos and rant and rave.

Staff appreciation position?  Table.

Closed Discussion with candidates not present.


Issue from closed discussion read to Brownie:  “At times appears tensed, stress and prone to yelling, may not have social handling.”

Giving the situation, it would change.  If behavior is concern, what would people want face of con.  Getting therapy.  Cannot run Con like Ops.

Candidates:  Brenda McFadden, Jess Shelton

Last year as programming director, issues getting a hold of?

Issues that were present last year, are not an issue this year.  Promise to check email and be responsive.

How well are you going to deal with stress?

Jess:  Helping people helps me feel better with life.  Con is a  priority.
Brenda:  WOW.  Miles for assistant.  Likes problem-solving, fixing problems.

Current level of Ops personnel knowledge?

Brenda: not as many as Jess.  But sent people to yojimbo, many are friends.
Jess:  Knows most people.
Ops yojimbo centric?

Jess: facilitate training among all part of Ops.  Set hours, and shifts.
Brenda:  Impressed with AV.  A AV head.

Visibility at convention?

Brenda:  Can’t sit still.  Likes to be problem solvers.
Jesse:  Sticks out.


Closed discussion with candidates not present.


Jess rebuttal of issues brought up in closed discussion: is very reachable, checks email often, cell phone.


Candidates:   John Krall


Perception of turning kumoricon into SakuraCon?

Abstains from important board decisions.  Does not want to turn into sakuracon 2.

Announcement for new Ops Director.  Jess!

Closed discussion with candidate not present.

Rebuttal of point brought up during discussion:
Bylaws abstains
Voting for individuals in election, not abstains.

K-con benefits,  attention to staff preservation, equipment purchasing.

Vote by acclimation! 
John Krall is Relations!


Candidates:  Jaki Hunt, Guy Letoureau, Brenda McFadden


(Guy) How would you decided what programming would be allowed?
PG-13, if more explicit that PG-13, it should happen at 10pm or later.  Possible exceptions with different cultural issues, E family bathing or sword.

(All) What time of framework would you give panelists?  How would you help shepherd panelist leading up to the conventions?

Brenda:  likes talking with people and help talk with about panel.  Give access to equipment to help facilitate panels.

Jaki:  Panels should ask questions and we are here to try to help.

Guy:  This years panelist are next years staff. 

(All)  How soon would forms be available.

Jaki:  This month.  Rough draft by april.  Wants ideas now.
Brenda:  Next meeting, up on website soon.  Other con books for ideas.
Guy:  PP schedule in liquid form.  Many forms ready to go, only need to change dates.  Forums are great idea too.

(Guy) Look at equipment needs, room about the same size as this one,  Are we going to get new games.
Brenda;  More arcade machines, DDR, Para-para.
Jaki:  Listen to what gamers want.

Solid start and end times for panels?
Brenda:  Tried in previous years to leave dead time between.  Want to be more specific on start times.
(Guy) Live Programming Grid. 
(Jaki)  Start times need to be stressed.  All for loose end times.

Improve how reliably panels have materials and prizes for panels on time?

(Jaki)  Better communication between panelists. 
(Brenda) Done before august hits.  Focus on panelist this year.
(Guy)  .xls file aid for needs got panel.

Smoother convention in regards to programming?

(Guy)   Live programming grid.
(Jaki)  Communication.  Able to locate people who we need to help.
(Brenda)  Getting things done early.  Staff and panelist happy.

Closed discussion with candidates not present.


Rebuttal from point brought up during discussion regarding Guy’s previous experience:
Guy corrected a point brought forward from secret discussion, he was never a director at not-just-another-con.


Candidates:  Jeff Ty and Kristen  Bartholomew


(All)  How to make communication better?

Kristin:  Former cell phone issues, used to not be good at answering phone.  Work involves lots of free-time.  Like live meetings.
Jeff:  Very reachable by email.  Generally pretty on top of inquires.  Very visible on the forums.

How use website for better comm. Between depts..

(jeff)  more ways to move info on website.  Increase use of web calendar.  People need know what is available on forums
(Kri)  Jeff rocks at forums.  Communication is basically getting to know each-other.  Promote for of a community feel outside forums.

Plans to expand range?

Kri:  “Creatures of the Night” presence.  Help volunteer at things.  Art festival, Kimono fest. 
Jeff:  Connecting to anime clubs in the area.  Club events to calendar.

Publicize and promote gaming.  Compete with PAX?
Gaming is done well.  Talk to prog about what items we want to give extra attention too.  Add pages, post photos.
Kri)  Hold promotional tournament this year.  Cross promote with gaming conventions.

Compensate for loss of some gamers?
Kri, promote at other non-gaming events
Jeff:  doesn’t see huge conflict, very different events.  Reach out to groups

How to you connect with local anime club?

Jeff:  getting word out.  Informing that them that we want to here from them.  Let street team use local connections in this areas.
Kri:  Volunteers will have lots of knowledge, school papers

Announcement!  Jaki is programming!

Closed discussion with candidates not present.


Vote taken.

Announcement! Jeff is Publicity!

Voting complete. Welcome the new directors. Next meeting TBA, but hopefully within 30 days. At such time, the board appointed officers will be elected.

Thank you all for a wonderful election/meeting!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 11:45:33 am by staze »
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"

Offline MichaelEvans

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 08:11:42 pm »
As far as I recall these are correct.  However you may be over-simplifying one point...

Guy was not a director at not-just-another-con.

It would be more accurate to state something like, "Guy corrected a point brought forward from secret discussion, he was never a director at not-just-another-con."  In the slightly ambiguous form it's currently noted as, while technically correct, the source of the information is in question and it looks odd, possibly suspicious.
Staff 2007-2010
2010-2008: Website Development (So very very much in the last month before the convention at last; Good thing I'm looking for work x.x and have the spare time ~.~)
2007: Website Administration (Mascot Voting Input, Live Schedule)

Offline valliegirl

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 09:30:19 pm »
Thank you so much for posting these so soon!

I was really upset that I had to miss the election, but I'm glad I didn't have to wait a month or so for the minutes to be posted so I could relive it vicariously.

Stupid good job that pays me well, but gives me a crappy schedule.  :(
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Offline Runa

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 08:07:08 am »
As far as I recall these are correct.  However you may be over-simplifying one point...

Guy was not a director at not-just-another-con.

It would be more accurate to state something like, "Guy corrected a point brought forward from secret discussion, he was never a director at not-just-another-con."  In the slightly ambiguous form it's currently noted as, while technically correct, the source of the information is in question and it looks odd, possibly suspicious.

Also, do edit around the "secret discussion" (at least for initial instance of the term) since initially when reading it I wasn't sure exactly what was meant by that and was wondering if it was some sort of secret discussion among the '07 directors as opposed to the discussion among membership about the candidates... (IE: try something like "secret discussion among membership regarding candidates". )
« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 06:22:40 pm by Runa »

Offline staze

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2007, 11:04:51 am »
Thanks for the input. I'll get those things changed and post the revised minutes this evening. 

Yay minutes corrections/suggestions (not that I want lots of suggestions as it's more work  =P)

BTW, implementation question. Should I just replace the original post, and let other people figure out that your comments have been addressed, or should I nuke the original post, then post the revised minutes below?  Or, should I replace the minutes, and nuke your comments/corrections? 

Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"

Offline gemineye42

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2007, 11:10:27 am »
You should make the edits at the top, then make a post below with a list of what was edited, maybe?
I can has cheezburger?

Offline staze

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2007, 11:47:59 am »
Actually I'll be editing my copy outside the forums... then posting that (the official copy isn't the one on the forums since anyone that has mod access to this forum could change them at will.

I think I'll probably change the main post, then below the corrections just make a note that everything above that post has been addressed.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 11:15:18 pm by staze »
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"

Offline guspasho

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2007, 12:57:50 pm »
I hate to add significantly to the length of the minutes but can we get the text of the amendments in the minutes? That way anyone with access to both the board and general minutes can confirm that the amendments that were presented and voted upon were identical for the board and general and therefore valid.
2008 Facilities Liaison

Offline MichaelEvans

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2007, 03:17:20 pm »
Actually a good idea would be to use an OpenPGP (GNUPG is one such program, and even has a fairly user friendly UI for windows (linked from the gui front ends section of downloads)) style signature to sign off on a post (like an email message) or use a file somewhere on the normal site the same way once things have been ironed out.
Staff 2007-2010
2010-2008: Website Development (So very very much in the last month before the convention at last; Good thing I'm looking for work x.x and have the spare time ~.~)
2007: Website Administration (Mascot Voting Input, Live Schedule)

Offline staze

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2007, 04:50:36 pm »
The amendments will be added to the bylaws.... so i'm not sure how the minutes would have them in there. But yes, I guess I can add them.
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
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Offline staze

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2007, 11:42:53 am »
Issues above this point have been addressed.

Also went through and took care of a lot of the spelling. typographical, and grammar errors (though it's still not something I'd hand in for a writing assignment: but then, it doesn't need to be).

Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2007, 03:41:37 pm »
So I guess the next meeting is going to be in/near Salem then, huh?

Who do we talk to about recommending locations for meetings?  I talked to Meg & Rian about this last year, (with faulty info), so I would imagine that it would be our new Chair, right?

(Forgive me if this is not the place to mention this).
My cosplay plans for 2022 (thus far): Vanir from Konosuba
My son's plans this year (thus far): Penguin Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh

Offline Pezzer

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2007, 10:27:44 pm »
Candidates have to be in attendance.  A vote for waffles will be counted and an abstentions.

shouldn't that read
Candidates have to be in attendance.  A vote for waffles will be counted AS an abstentions.
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Offline guspasho

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2008, 11:30:30 pm »
Did we ratify previous meeting minutes at this meeting? I don't see a record of it, but Meg is certain that we did.
2008 Facilities Liaison

Offline MichaelEvans

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2008, 12:16:07 am »
The official record of the meeting is the Minutes correct?  Am I incorrect in that all votes and such must be documented within them?  In that case, we did not ratify any Minutes at the October 7'th general meeting, we also do not have appeared to have ratified the Minutes at the Nov 11th meeting either.

This is actually quite distressing to me, if that is indeed the case, then the election, nor any meeting since it, has been ratified.  Were this rejected at a future meeting, it could potentially invalidate all proceedings at said meetings.
Staff 2007-2010
2010-2008: Website Development (So very very much in the last month before the convention at last; Good thing I'm looking for work x.x and have the spare time ~.~)
2007: Website Administration (Mascot Voting Input, Live Schedule)

Offline guspasho

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Re: 2007 October 7 GM Minutes (Elections)
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2008, 11:32:02 am »
We can easily fix this. We just need to remember to vote to approve them (Both October's and November's) at the meeting. They've been up long enough, unchanged long enough, that there's no need to read them or anything. But we might need to discuss correcting the October minutes to say they ratified the August 25th minutes at the election meeting if anyone can corroborate Meg's story. Again, there is no reason that would need to take long at all.
2008 Facilities Liaison