I finnally uploaded my pics to
http://www.angeltowns4.com/members/mikej1592/ now its really late, I should have been in bed a while ago for work. Once I started setting up the webpage and fixing errors etc. it made me feel like I was there again. I even took a sample of the carpet from one of the shots and turned it into a cool background image. (least I think it has a cool effect)
Probly a standard disclaimer, if you see your pic and would rather I took it off just send me a message.
One last thing, I didnt have a costume this year (first con) but was still kinda bummed that I wasn't even in the background of anyones shots. I must have been dodging flashbulbs like a ninja.
I also must confess, I never read Naruto yet but after payday I plan on picking up a copy or two from Uwajimaya. It seemed to be just a bit popular at the con. If anyone knows of a good place to pick up manga around here other than there let me know, I only know there and Fry's.
Again, AWSUM con, you all rock, I'm also shy around people I dont know but everyone was just aswum.
Thanks again everyone for letting me take your pictures too by the way, but I guess if you go to a con in costume and dont let anyone take your pic I guess that would be a bit strange.
OK now due to lack of sleep I am rambling, too much Pocky, need sleepage. cya
Mike J