this is long but well worth the read...
. . . . im on talking about evolution and god and stuff..
some person.. start talking (in horrid grammer mind you) about how its stupid to think that we came from apes and evolution isnt real it was all god.. and that humans are gods greatest creation and that we are his favorite and loves us more then the animals..
so i reply back with.. if were gods favorite and loves us more.. what dont we jsut genocide a few species..he wont mind..
and then some ranomd person.. says.. and i quote
">>>yeah..its offensive..genocide eh?! u want to play god and make new species of human??..haha..u watch too much x-men!..mutant people.." -claireyve
(the offenseinve part is to me saying how people freak when its said that we come from apes)
my response was... and i quote
"WHAT??? i said geneocide not gene splicing
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group -wikipedia
please for the love of GOD think before you speak" -VenomDkoc