Random play quoting time:
"Actually, Hufflepuffs are great finders.."
"What the hell is a hufflepuff?"
"Rumbleroar is the headmaster at pigfarts. Sometimes he lets students ride around on his back.."
"No, everyone knows that I love Zac Efron the most.."
"I used to think that killing people would make them love me..But it turns out, killing people just makes them dead..."
"Hey Quirrel, let's go out and do karaoke.~"
"H-harry..We kissed at the yule ball, I thought that meant that we were going to be together forever.."
"I can't just goo to pigfarts. I need a rocketship. It is on Mars you know.. What, do you have a rocketship Harry? Oh, look, it's Rocketship Potter with his moon shoes."
"Yeah, well in spider man 3, it all falls apart. I don't want my lfe to be like spider man 3, I hate that movie.."
Ahahah, good times. ;3