I just beat Harry Potter: Order of the Pheonix finally, while also playing Half Blood Prince.
Snape sounds french and he absolutely KILLS me when he tries to invade my mind. I had to wave my wii remote around like a loony until he stops.
I got to be Sirius and sucked @$$ at fighting. No wonder he died. Actually, I just suck in general. Malfoy could have kicked my butt anyday with my no-knowledge of attack spells, so again I was just jumping up and down with my wii remote and trying to get SOMETHING to come out of my wand. Ron mainly cleaned up my act.
I got to be Dumbledore, too. I suck as him so Voldy cleaned my butt off the ground.
Also, Snape seemed to just hate me, because after he invaded my mind, and I didn't even see into his, he screamed at me to get out. Maybe he saw what Harry does in the middle of his night under his invisibility robe?