Had my interview today (got called at 11:30, interview at 2:30) and got the job before it was even over.

My winning line was, "I like the grunts cause when you throw a plasma grenade on them they go 'OH MY GOD!' and then they explode... *meek little smile*" when trying to mock sell the manager an FPS for 360 (I chose Halo).
But that's 2/2 on interviews! Second interview and second job! First job was seasonal at Toys R Us last Christmas.
But yeah...I applied at the Gamestop down the street from me and the one I just got hired at was having trouble with employees staying (and knowing what they were doing) so the Assistant Manager sent over my application saying I can walk on water and turn things into gold. She just told him I was awesome (but they don't hire until Aug-Sept) and said I could help out. He loved me.

He wanted to hire Griff, too but he couldn't cause we are dating. But he's thinking of hiring my brother, too! He said I have already out done every single one of the people he has hired and I didn't even work today. XD!
I was watching another guy do a sale while I was being put into the database and I added onto the sale but suggesting needed items for the stuff he was buying and got him to buy even more so he could platinum the game cause he was a trophy gamer.