I'm jumping in here a bit late, but I feel the need to.
I am stepping in officially as a board moderator at this time because while some of the responses to the dance music levels are well reasoned, considerate, statments of opinions or links to scientific facts, there are comments here that could be considered flames and or personal attacks.
As a staff member (and I plan on staying on in staff in whatever role the elected officers determine to be a best fit for my skills), I will be proposing the following solution:
1. The equiptment to monitor the exact sound level is not hard to come by. There is no reason why we can't have that on hand just to make sure that even if the sound seems a bit loud to some, it is safe and reasonable. Readings should also be taken a few times depending on changes of the number of bodies at the dance.
2. (and most important). I am going to highly suggest that the Con purchase a large supply of individually wrapped disposable earplugs to be available at COST to congoes that request them and have it be readily known that they are available. I haven't looked up prices yet, but I am sure that this will be in the 10 cent range. It is going to be impossible to find a volume that is perfect for everyone, even if the music is set to too soft or just right for 90% of the people, there may be another 10% that is still saying, "Too Loud!" so this is a very reasonable work around.
Besides, some people really might want to have access to earplugs for Open Mike Karaoke! And the gameroom can also get loud at times.
At this time I'm issuing general reminder to feel free to express your opinions, but not at the expense of others. At this point, I will not be giving out any official warnings, but please be respectful of other's opinions. Myself, or other moderators, will give out warnings if flames comtinue after this post.
****Personal Opinions begin here****
In my personal opinion (not as a mod, or even staff, just as a person who was a major market radio DJ for 15 years), I do find it surprising that Mira found the volume 'just right,' but I respect that. I also know that only a very small percentage of the con goers ever post in the forum (there are tons off people registered who only have posted once or twice, if not at all). The forum is a great place to get ideas about things and to read the opinions of the people who care enough to want to be involved, but it isn't a scientific sampling of the congoers.
My personal guess...since I didn't attend the dance for any length of time...based on the crowds that were there and that it was packed a lot of the time and what I heard as I walked by, I would think it was a bit too loud, but since so many people stayed, it couldn't have been too an extreme or it wouldn't have been as crowded. Depending on the number of people in the room, the sound level could fluxuate (ever been in a movie theater with only a few other customers and notice how the sound is different than with a full crowd?)
***Staff Hat back on***
I hope the availability of earplugs and a commitment to monitor sound levels is a compromise solution people can live with. Even though I had to give a warning, as long as you do not flame, feel free to disagree with me or propose additional solutions.