I thought since I am reg assistant manager I should make a few clarifications

OK So this is the way it is....
Colors are for age grouping, Red -child under age 13, Yellow- Minor under 18, Blue- Adult 18+. The color scheme makes it easy for Yojimbo and other members of staff to identify people who might be out after hours or who need to be with their registered adult. It is a safety issue for younger con goers, not to mention a legality issue for minors out beyond midnight (even staff fall under this rule, underage staff still have to be in their rooms the same time as underage minors) This works far better imo than other con's that use stickers or stamps to identify minors because it is far more visible than stamps/stickers and is something unable to be altered by a congoer (this happened at sakuracon)
Numbers make it far easier to find you guys in the registery system and YES certain numbers like the first 200 or so are for the first people who registered very first and it isn't all in order because we work with two systems, the online system is updated at regular intervals with the one that is on a hard system. So for events like Sakuracon or the Uwa. festivals we have to make space for those people as well as those registering at any given point in time on the online site. So you may not be in exact order, for instance someone who registered online after Sakuracon may have a smaller number than someone who registered at Sakuracon.
Also for the person who asked about mailout. Have you been to Sakuracon? The wait time for pre-registration the night before the con starts is insane and I would rather go through our check in than theirs. I love sakuracon but reg is insane and I do believe that they may end up taking a leaf out of our book. By sending out hard copy badges with people's names and badge names (nicknames) this gives congoer's more incentive to buy early not to mention it makes check in a great deal easier. By doing this a person simply walks up with their badge and identification and gets checked into the system in a timely manner (less than fifteen minutes last year, a far cry from the two+ hours in line at sak) and they are given con issued swag and other identifying material that shows you've been let into the convention. For those who choose willcall, it takes a bit longer to find the badge and get everything altogether (Trust me I worked willcall last year). Besides this prevents us from having to do the icky paper badges which can be easily copied, and it also keeps families/groups together because if you've got a kid with a diferent last name eg. Swift and another who's last name is say Alder, then they can remain in the same line instead of having to break apart to get their badges and it just over all takes far less time to deal with.
ALSO Please anybody that takes a picture of their badges, please do so by taking an angled picture if you are going to put it up on the web. I generally don't mind the pictures but it is a thing that must be done because the big bosses say so. <3
Anyway <3 I hope you all get your badges in good time. Take care all I hope to see you all soon.
Assistant Reg. Manager