Author Topic: Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback  (Read 9328 times)

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Offline snakeling

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« on: September 08, 2004, 11:44:00 pm »
Hi all, Mike the A/V guy here.  I'm fishing for feedback.  What did you think of the DJ's?  Song selection?  Lighting?  Or anything about how the dance went?  I need feedback if were going to make next year better so start posting!

And thanks for making this year's Kumoricon Rock!


Offline Zhalfirin

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2004, 05:48:02 am »
i thought the dance went amazingly well.  Some people may have the thought the music was too loud and though I didn't personally find this true, even with my hearing, I suppose a slight turn down next time may benefit more people at the con...
Oh, and If you guys sold glow sticks you'd make some serious cash ^_-
All in all, GREAT job, hope ya keep it up for next year ^_^.
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Offline Fade

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2004, 06:14:32 am »
Definitely turn down the music a little.  My ears felt plugged for half an hour after it was over.

A couple of the songs just didn't work, but I don't know what they were called.  You know, though--the ones that weren't quite slow, weren't quite fast, and no one knew how to dance to.  Easier said than done, but try to avoid those. :mrgreen:

Overall, a good effort.

Offline PvtChipsDubbo

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« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2004, 08:15:39 am »

Even though I was there for ten minutes...but helping out at the fanfiction was great, too!!!


I would ask for the same songs at Kumoricon 2005, but general dance traditions have always appeared to be traditional in the sense of not playing the same songs as any other past dance.

However, I hope and wish next years music will be as fantastic or even better.

And I hope to find a dance partner for it next time... ;)  :oops:

As for loudness...well, I bet some of the fanfiction people will speak up, because I heard it, but then again, that's what dances are supposed to be like, loud, silly, and fun.  My ear drums were about to pop at ground zero.
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Offline Candeldandel

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2004, 02:12:48 pm »
I LOVED the dance. It was definatly my favorite part, but not by much; I loved the whole freaking con. The songs were great, the DJ was great, the people were awsome... Sigh. If only the con wasn't over...

Offline hikaru_maxwell

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2004, 03:17:21 pm »
Although, I did enjoy the dance, it was a very good year, could you try to play a few more japanese songs?  I enjoy the language, and I was a little bit disappointed with the number of foreign/anime songs vs. the number of english dance songs......

But other than that....GREAT dance! :D

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Offline FizzTheCarbonated

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2004, 04:02:36 pm »
Actually, I was the Miho who gave some feedback about the dance at the rant and rave, but I'll go ahead and talk some more about it here.

1.  It was a bit loud.  It would have been nice to have it be slightly quieter, because WOW, my ears hurt after some of the songs.

2.  Lights were cool, and I dug the strobes.  Every once in a while there was this weird bright yellow light, though, and that was a little *too* bright after all the darkness.

3.  The music was better than last year, but I feel that it would be good to have some more random bouncy Japanese crap.  I just don't think that there was enough Japanese music played.  While I totally dug Kung Fu Fighting and the Time Warp, I would have liked to have there be some Vanilla and some Tamago, too.    I loves me some random bouncy Japanese music, and I know other people do, too.  There would have been pratically a dance riot if Jungle Wa Itsumo Hare Nochi Guu had been played, if the karaoke was any indication.

So, yeah.  I'd have liked a little more variety.  The dance tended to be a little more on the heavy side than the bouncy side, and I'd like to see a nice balance of the two.

I agree with an earlier poster about the songs that were not quite fast enough to dance to.  I think one of them was a Bjork song.  Nifty as Bjork is, she's not very danceable.

Um...  Even more air conditioning would be nice, but it was pretty well ventilated, especially for a con dance.

Oh!  A bigger dance floor!  It's easier to dance on wood than on carpet, so more of the actual wooden dance floor would be good.

If next years dance is even better than this years, it will be totally rockin'.

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Offline hikaru_maxwell

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2004, 05:08:54 pm »
*points at fizz_the_carbonated*  What she said.....^_^

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Offline zenix

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2004, 07:50:50 pm »
lower the volume about 50 db i was in there for about 10mins near the back of the room and i was losing my hearing

Offline Squall

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2004, 11:35:27 pm »
Just as everyone else has pointed out....the music was far too loud.  The speakers could barely handle that volume and were crackling.  You could hear the music clearly from all the way down the hall by the escalators/elevators.  I only stayed for about 4 songs before I couldn't take it any more.  After leaving, my hearing was diminished (the ears plugged feeling) for a good half hour.
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Offline Sushi_Glomper

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2004, 05:35:15 am »
I had a blast, for the whoel liek 30 minutes I was there.  I didn't find it to be too loud, but mayeb thats because rock concerts have blown my ears to crap >_>  I enjoyed the selection, and thougth it was mixed and faded very well.   Grand job!
<3 Sushi G

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2004, 06:10:16 am »
After helping set up and staying there the full 3 hours I have to say that you guys did a great job. I had an absulute blast. The music was great as were the attendies. Music might have been a little loud for some people, but it's hard to judge what other people will think sometimes. As far as I can tell everyone had a great time. Kudos.

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Offline MikeJ1592

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very loud
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2004, 09:30:21 am »
I liked the song selections too but agree more japanese would be better, although I spent most of the time in the fanfic bedtime story room I could still hear the songs clearly.  ***Hum I thought the dance was two rooms over***  Im glad the floor held up the way it was bouncing during the dance too.  

awsum con thanks to everyone who made it possible.

*twitch*twitch* is it time for the next con yet?    :D


Mike J

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2004, 12:55:29 pm »
Don't turn the music down. If people can't stand to have it so loud they should leave to benefit the people who actually enjoy the pounding beat. The DJ was awesome, not to mention cute. And the lighting, (Especially the strobe light) Was great.
           I'd suggest next time get a ton of glow sticks for people. And have more strobe lights. It's really awesome when your dancing and it looks like a flash-by-flash thing.  I was disappointed by the sudden shortage in the left speaker, but soon you got it back to working and everything was fine.
           I wish I could have stayed longer but I left after they finished announcements. In my Convention report I'm going to put that the Rave was something people need to start attending. It's a great way of meeting people and showing off what you can do! More and bigger Dance circles need to be created! I hope that Kumori-Con's Rave Dances will soon grow to meet the expectations as Sakura-Con's Rave dances did!

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Offline Fade

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2004, 05:55:30 pm »
I'm sorry, but -yes- turn the music down.  If it's not loud enough for you, that's probably because you're so used to loud music now that your eardrums are shot--sucks for you, but some of us would like to be spared from that.  I know that it took me a good thirty minutes after leaving the dance before my hearing was back to normal, and that's not good.  They've done studies on decibel levels and eardrum damage, folks, read 'em.  I don't think turning it down a little bit is really going to ruin the experience for anyone.

If you're in charge of the music's volume, then you should do your research in advance.

Offline FilkAeris

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2004, 06:35:35 pm »
I do agree that music should be kept to a reasonable volume.  Saying "If it's too loud for you, then leave," is pretty heartless to people whose eardrums aren't used to being abused like a taiko drum.

The suggestion for more Japanese music is a good one, too.  I love the eighties as much as the, but it's good to have Japanese music at an anime con dance, don'tcha think?  Otherwise you can end up with a situation like the rave at Sakuracon 2004, which delighted nearly every raver at the con but alienated and disappointed pretty much everyone else.

And, after all, when I got the DJ to spin "Go!" from Naruto, the floor went obviously there's no objection to good, dancable anime music!  ^_^


Offline AyaMitsukai

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2004, 06:56:47 pm »
I am going to have to agree with the people who say dont turn it down. That is the whole experience of being at the dance. I know people think it is because my eardrums are shot but hey people i got my hearing tested not too long ago and i cant hear better then what is considered normal. So my ear drums are not shot. Some people dont like Music being loud and that is fine, but you should being so rude about the whole thing. No one needs to read the reports specially since they dont apply to everyone because everyone is different.

I would like to say i thought the dance was awsome! and i thought that in place of the too fast to dance too slow to dance songs you should put slow songs ya know for slow danceing or something. Also Japanese songs like Jrock songs would be awsome or just japanese songs in general. ^_^ and yeah glow sticks are awsssome lol ok well thats just what i think Awsome job with the dance.
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Offline Fade

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2004, 08:56:55 am »
Quote from: "AyaMitsukai"
No one needs to read the reports specially since they dont apply to everyone because everyone is different.

Yeah, that's a compelling argument. :roll:

Sorry, but eardrums are eardrums.  The only way a high decibel level is not going to be as noticeable for someone is if he's already suffered damage.

No one who prefers the music loud is going to notice if you turn it down to a safe level, and you'll be doing them a favor.

Offline FizzTheCarbonated

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Kumori Con's Dance, Dance Feedback
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2004, 10:46:54 am »
You know, just because you (general you) like it loud doesn't  mean other people should have to suffer pain for your preferences.  In this country, one persons civil rights end the SECOND they start to infringe on another person's.  Thus one person's right to free speech ENDS when they start threatening and harassing another person.  The drunken moron who followed me down the street a few months ago found that out when I got his idiot arse arrested.

There are some cases where if you don't like the situation, you should just leave or ignore it.  (Adult-oriented fanfiction, or example.  If you don't like it, don't read it.)  But with the dance, people WANT to be there, but DON'T want to be in pain.  If the music is loud enough that several people complain of ear pain and temporary hearing loss, then it is TOO LOUD and should be turned down.  It really will not hurt your enjoyment of the dance any more to have it turned down to a more ear-friendly level, and it will drastically increase the enjoyment of all the people who don't like to have their ears bleed.

Basically, I think enough people have complained to warrent having the music turned down a few notches.  Maybe you won't have the bass driving your heartbeat, but at least I'll still be able to hear normally afterwards.

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