+ Hung out with Local cosplayers all Friday and yesterday
- I'm cold
-I didn't get out of PE
- I can't until I get a doctor's note
- Even if I do get out I'm going to have to be a freshman aid... that's weird, I know.
- My favorite turkey died
- I had a dream about both of my parents dying and leaving me alone last night. My dad's last wish was to give me a good home cooked meal before they departed on to the next world. I've never eaten so slowly. When I woke up, I cried for 40 minutes strait upon realizing that if my parents did both die, they wouldn't be able to stay around long enough to tell me what to do. I don't believe in the afterlife, so I would have never seen them again.
- This made me remember when a friend of mine tried to kill himself. Everyone thought he was dead. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't breathe. I didn't know what to do. I sat in my room, and cried until my body couldn't cry anymore. The next day, I found out he was alive, and had had his stomach pumped of the 19 advil he'd taken...
+ I got asked to home coming in a really sweet way.
- I said no