I bet you can't wait until your divorce now eh? Man if you think being dumped is bad, wait for that one.
Now is an excellent opportunity to work on you. try to do something about all the little things that make you an unwanted person. Like, from my experience only, stop correcting others so often; dress in clothes that others would not be embarrassed to be seen around you, just because you like them, does not mean they are nice for public consumption, not that you aren't Beau Brummel himself; learn how to communicate your feelings and needs without resorting to shouting matches. Basically find out everything about you, and work on the things that you are not so proud. This doesn't turn you into Brad Pitt or someone like that, but it does make it easier to look yourself in the mirror every morning. And if you start laughing at your own image in the mirror, it can't be a bad thing. You don't need to take yourself too seriously.
Or ignore this and woof down a 1/2 gallon of chocolate ice cream every day for the next couple of weeks.