Just a reminder that if any of you (or your friends!) make your own webcomics, web manga, or offline comix or manga, you can enter them in Kumoricon's fanfiction contest! If you have 50 pages or more, you need to have it in to us by Monday (preferably letting us know ahead of time). Email a link to fanficcontest@kumoricon. If your work is shorter than that, you can email or snail mail until the day before con (Snail addy: Creation Station, c/o P. O. Box 5098, Eugene, OR 97405 USA), or hand-deliver to us a hard copy or a copy on disc at the Creation Station (Council and Directors rooms, 3rd floor of Hilton Hotel side of con), until 8 pm the first night of con. Please note, however, that we will not have online access at con. Thanks!