I'm surprised nobody's said MaesxGracia?
Oh good lord, shipping. The question is, Canon or Fanon? I consider all my Fanon Canon, though...
OrihimexGrimmjow, IchigoxRukia, HitsugayaxKarin, HollowxLongcat (those of you that saw the giant Gillian at Sakuracon will remember this), AbelxEsther, AbelxLillith, TresxEsther, TresxMonica, LavixLenalee, EdxWinry, RoyxRiza, AsumaxKurenai, SakuraxKakashi, TentenxKankuro, ShikamaruxTemari, Demyx/Larxene, LarxenexZexion, HagixSaya, GrimoirexLucrecia, CloudxTifa, ZackxAerith, VincentxYuffie, YoruichixUrahara... Oh good lord, the list goes on. After that they just start getting odd, though.