The highly anticipated mascot and book cover contests will begin within the week.
The rules last year are posted here:;allI plan on having the rules be very similar this time. I'm going to cut out some of the technical details from the rules to make the rules shorter, and because it's not necessary--we can adapt to what is submitted. If anybody has any comments or suggestions for changes in the rules, please make them in this thread!
Somebody asked whether staff or all attendees would vote. This year, I plan on having it be a staff vote again. The reasons for this are:
1. We don't yet have an attendee web site login system for pre-registered attendees.
2. Voting at-con doesn't work for the mascot because it's not enough time to use the ranked voting system, which is the most fair. It doesn't work for the books because they have to be printed before the con!
3. When we opened voting to the web without logging on in an earlier year, there were problems with ballot-stuffing, and it wouldn't be fair.
We might switch to a pre-registration system in the future that lets us do voting among all attendees.