Yeah, I'm really not that big on Allen pairings... but Cross and Tyki would work wonders with anyone! :D I have a Cross x Kanda doujin, but it's not graphic at all... pity.
But yeah, I know what you mean--at the place I bought them at Sakura Con, we weren't allowed to peak inside the packaging, so we had to judge by the cover. Which worked for a couple of the ones I bought, but I don't think I would've bought the Cross x Kanda doujin if I had seen the real art... [And now that I think on it, I believe I did see a Kanda x Lavi doujin there! But I don't remember what the company was called, unfortunately...]
In any case, if anyone else is interested in buying or trading doujins--though I would probably only be interested in parting with the aforementioned Cross x Kanda one--then I'll totally be there. 'Cause hey, I could use a few more. :3