very pretty o_o
ok time for one of me x.x
this is kinda a bad picture of me I know but it has a story! So I was ziplining in Alaska, this is my second time ziping so I know how to do it and I really like it... but somehow I'm going down my second to last line and its the longest one, I cant keep control and stay straight cause the winds so strong, and I look up to realize if I dont let go I'm going to burn my wrist (I had two wires, one I held on top and then one bellow it that I was hooked to) so I let go and I start turning 360's cause I cant control myself. In a leap of faith I grab the top wire again desperate to stop this and then realize that I'm backwards and about to run into the tree on the launch pad if i dont turn around and put on the brakes! So I try one more time, I let go, use all my force against the wind, and turn the right way and slam my hand on the wire grasping it with all my might and I stop just in time. thats why I'm smiling, I thought I was goin to die and was just so happy to be alive xD