Well, basically, you take your first name and break it down using japanese syllable. For example, Jim would be 'Ji' and 'mu'.......I think. Okay, so I'm not sure on a lot of this!
So, once you've done that, use a japanese translator [I would suggest
http://englishjapaneseonlinedictionary.com/ as one] to figure out what they mean. Now, some of them may turn of a HUGE amount of results[like ni] Basically, find something that either has it in ( ) or the actual word. [Good luck....]
My name!
So, my name Japanese Roma[n]ji is Shidoni. I think if you break my name down 'Shi' is poem or poetic, 'do' is degree[as in school, I think], and 'ni' is either the suffix -ly or at.....
....Does that make me Poetic at Degree...? Or At Poetic Degree? >.<