Author Topic: Updated Categories and rules.  (Read 7163 times)

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Updated Categories and rules.
« on: September 23, 2004, 03:38:32 pm »
Here's the latest:

Any final comments? I think this is getting pretty well close to 'Done.'
Anything SERIOUSLY wrong or missing?

- G

Offline hikaru_maxwell

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Updated Categories and rules.
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2004, 04:31:31 pm »
Actually, if there are enough entries, I would suggest a separate category for drama/romance......I have made amv's that fit into those categories before, but aren't fast enough for the Action, aren't to dance music, and really don't fit into the Traditional Japanese category........If you only accept entries for those sorts of categories, you might be missing out on some really great AMV's.

~*~Member of Cannot Unsee~*~


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Updated Categories and rules.
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2004, 07:56:51 am »
Hmmm. . . . My music video is going to be the YuYu Hakusho Movie: Poltergeist Report.  The series is among the top 15, but I've never seen anything to the movie.  Will it be OK?  Or should I just abandon the project?


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Updated Categories and rules.
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2004, 07:24:48 am »
Quote from: "dmstudios3"
My music video is going to be the YuYu Hakusho Movie: Poltergeist Report.  The series is among the top 15, but I've never seen anything to the movie.  Will it be OK?

No problem, you have several options.

First, the Submission deadline has NOT been announced yet, but it will probably be late July or early August of 2005. The MARCH deadline is my own personal deadline, beyond which the rules will be fixed (it's hard to shoot for a category if the rules keep changing, right?) So, I will 'freeze' the rules by no later than March 2005.

Second, two of the four categories, "Traditional Japanese" and "Comedy" aren't restricted to NEW or UNSEEN. ("Yu-squared-H" first aired in October 1992, btw.) So, you can:

(a) Bring out the Japanese feel to the show (if any - I haven't watched more than a few eps of it, and that was a few years ago...) Are there many references to Japanese mythology, religion, cosmology, etc? There could be, because it's about a kid's ghost (he got flattened in traffic) who still has several connections to the living world. Another way to fit it into this category is to use traditional Japanese music or music which incorporates Japanese instruments or musical elements. Anyways - it's your project so I don't want to bias your creativity, so I'll stop here.

BTW, two quick examples which would fit this category are:
(music style, kabuto images)
(Japanese 'go,' images of Sai & others in traditional clothing)

Or, (b) make it a comedy/parody video.

Lastly, you can enter more than one project, so say, if you REALLY want to enter an ACTION vid, then complete this project, submit as (a) or (b) above, and make ANOTHER one (hey, the more the merrier!)  using newer shows or lesser-used shows.

Good Luck, and Thank You for your efforts!


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Entry Submission guidelines UP.
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2004, 10:03:14 am »
Entry Submission guidelines UP.

New text is here:

E. SUBMITTING Your Entries:

1. [Mail-in address TBD]

2. Deadline [TBD]
This will be the 'arrived at above address' deadline.

a. EACH entry will have to be on CD-ROM, disposable ZIP-disk, or disposable USB ZIP drive. (in other words, no 'guarantee' you can get the media back - but I **may** have it with me at the con for you to pick up, if you like. You may put multiple entries on one disk.

b. EACH entry must be accompanied by AT LEAST one ten-second clip from the AMV. It may also be a 10-second composition made up of elements form the AMV, such as an 'AMV of an AMV,' if you like. You may submit a second, alternate ten-second clip or compilation and we will choose the more 'memorable' to be used in the audience-participation Review & Judging phase

c. EACH entry must include a HARDCOPY, PAPER form listing the information below:
- Creator's name
- Creator's contact info (telephone-#, e-mail address, mailing address for PRIZES)
- AMV Title
- Anime sources used (list up to 5 sources, if necessary write 'various' for 6th & subsequent sources.)
- Music Title(s)
- Music Artists name(s) by band or composer, also, if an OST, mention that series.

A downloadable form will be made available: {LINK to Submission form will be added.}

NOTE: Storing the information about the AMV as a FILE included on the medium is -NOT- equivalent to a hardcopy paper printout. If we need an item of information quickly, a person can shuffle through 16 sheets of paper and get to the right one faster than a computer can even boot-up.

d. IT IS SUGGESTED that each Entry and ten-second clip be submitted in TWO different types of encoding (such as one file in DivX 5.02 -and- another file in Microsoft Mpeg4 ver. 2, for example) so that in case we have playback or codec 'issues' with one format we can try the other without haveing to decode and re-encode in something suitable for the playback machine. So in other words, ONE entry will consist of FOUR or more files: the entry in TWO different codecs, plus its ten-second clip in TWO different codecs.


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« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2004, 10:39:56 am »
Quote from: "hikaru_maxwell"
Actually, if there are enough entries, I would suggest a separate category for drama/romance......If you only accept entries for those sorts of categories, you might be missing out on some really great AMV's.

Good point - and I am not considering rules or categories "FINAL" until as late as MARCH 2005, so we still have some time to discuss & change this if need be.

I had started a thread to discuss this some time earlier (20-Sep-04) and about THREE DAYS went by with NO comments - nothing. So that meant (to me) that either (a) changing to the new categories I had in mind wasn't a show-stopper, or perhaps, (b) that most people didn't care to lose Drama Romance. Meanwhile, I put a similar thread up on the forum and got useful feedback within about 6 - 12 hours: hence the "Dance/Upbeat" category, which I named just "Dance" to allow some of the slower stuff to fit in, but I included the word 'upbeat' within the category definition to try to steer creators out of the Pretentious AMV Doldrums. I also asked for "New or Unseen" here, because we've all seen TOO MANY "Ah Megamisama" Drama/Romance works already. Are there good ones? - yes. Some even wonderful? - yes. Over-done? - get the croquet mallet and bludgeon us out of our misery.

What I am trying to do is pare down outright 'Snoozer' categories - the sort of stuff that has audiences thinking "NEXT, please" about 10 seconds along. You are correct that there are some great Drama/Romance works out there, but the ratio of [GREAT!]/[NEXT!] is low if the category is simply defined as "Drama/Romance."

So, let me ask -your- advice: How would you define a category LIKE "Drama/Romance" which INCLUDES 'good' entries (tell me what you think makes a GOOD Drama/Romance) while screening out the "Is it over yet?" type of entries.

Offline zenix

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Updated Categories and rules.
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2004, 10:54:42 am »
can u sign in so i can tell who you are?

Offline hikaru_maxwell

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Updated Categories and rules.
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2004, 05:10:53 pm »
I like the idea of New/Unseen for the Drama/Romance category.  It would help to keep people from thinking "But, I've seen this so many times

An interesting possible title might be.....Dramatic/Emotional...something that calls to mind many different possibilities....

Like, Amv's about love (more than just romantic, but filial, frienship....), sadness, revenge, dramatic conflict that doesn't quite fit into the action, dance, japan, or comedy categories...., things like that.  

Just a thought.

~*~Member of Cannot Unsee~*~

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Updated Categories and rules.
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2004, 09:32:09 pm »
Quote from: "hikaru_maxwell"
An interesting possible title might be.....Dramatic/Emotional...something that calls to mind many different possibilities....

Just a thought.

Hey, as I said - it's not fixed in stone yet, so let's keep things going and keep things INTERESTING.
One of my earlier ideas was "Character Study / Relationships"

- G


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I like that
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2004, 07:49:43 am »
Character Studies/Relationships is a really good idea.  It fits in with my current music video that I'm working on :D

Other than that, I'm thinking that I will make a music video to Millennium Actress for the Traditional Japanese Setting.  It goes through a lot of Japanese culture.  It's also a love story, so it might mean a Relationships/Romance AMV.  I'm not sure which one it would go into.

Offline hikaru_maxwell

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Updated Categories and rules.
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2004, 08:47:19 am »
Hrmm...I know that Anime is supposed to be the predominant theme...but if I submitted a music video using scenes from Kumoricon 2004, would you guys be willing to show it?  (I don't think it's been done before...and I want to try it. Not even to compete, but just...for fun, y'know?)

~*~Member of Cannot Unsee~*~

Offline Dustin

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Updated Categories and rules.
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2004, 05:23:11 pm »
Reading over the rules and such, I think you're making it more complicated than it needs to be.

Personally, if the video has any subtites, I wouldn't care.

Though it may only be personal preference, having subtitles on the AMV shouldn't matter at all.

I have made vids using the subtitles, aswell as the visuals and music to tell the story. It makes it more challenging and fun.

Perhapes you could make a seperate category for videos that do have subtitles, instead of just banning them permanatly.

I know alot of Naruto AMV's have subtitles in them because not everyone can access Raws.

Just something to consider, I guess.

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Opening Ceremonies Vid
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2004, 06:22:13 pm »
Quote from: "hikaru_maxwell"
... if I submitted a music video using scenes from Kumoricon 2004, would you guys be willing to show it?

This would be PERFECT for an Opening Ceremonies Video!
I hereby appoint you as In Charge!

Do it!

- G

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« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2004, 06:24:11 pm »
Quote from: "zenix"
can u sign in so i can tell who you are?

Sorry - I deny ALL cookies!
(for my computer's security.)

- G

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Re: Opening Ceremonies Vid
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2004, 07:18:52 am »
Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "hikaru_maxwell"
... if I submitted a music video using scenes from Kumoricon 2004, would you guys be willing to show it?

This would be PERFECT for an Opening Ceremonies Video!
I hereby appoint you as In Charge!

That sounds like a great project, though we can't guarantee that it will be shown at Opening Ceremonies, that'll be up to the Director of Programming and the Con Chair to decide, as they have control over opening and closing ceremonies.
~Sean Larson~

Offline hikaru_maxwell

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Updated Categories and rules.
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2004, 01:19:05 pm »
Yeah, now all I have to do is wait for the DVD and such to come out, so I can do it.  I'm thinking of asking Klint to send me his extra footage (before editing) so that I don't have to just stick with what's on the dvd.  After I see what's there (though, I do have an idea), I'll choose the music.  

I want to make it a comedy though, because a lot of what went on was absolutely hilarious!

~*~Member of Cannot Unsee~*~

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Re: Opening Ceremonies Vid
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2004, 08:09:16 am »
Quote from: "QEvil"
Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "hikaru_maxwell"
... if I submitted a music video using scenes from Kumoricon 2004, would you guys be willing to show it?

This would be PERFECT for an Opening Ceremonies Video!
I hereby appoint you as In Charge!

That sounds like a great project, though we can't guarantee that it will be shown at Opening Ceremonies, that'll be up to the Director of Programming and the Con Chair to decide, as they have control over opening and closing ceremonies.

I was just having fun - what I meant was that if this good fan can put together the OP-Cem vid, then HE's volunteering (to be in charge of) that video project - what goes in the video, what music. sound effects visual effects, etc. That's what I meant by In Charge, and I merely wanted to encourage hikaru_maxwell to GO AHEAD.

Now certainly, hikaru_maxwell should get involved with the folks planning Opening Ceremonies, so that they can all build a great event together.

But anyways, all I wanted to do (in AMVs and otherwise) is share the excitement.
(Otherwise it becomes AX, right? ...   :roll:  )

- G

PS Still working rules from the above suggestions and commentary - many thanks to all.