We need to represent! We need to write random names in our Death Notes! We need a skit. XD I think that there should be some epic Death Note skit at this year's KumoriCon.....And we need a cast to do it. No idea for a script or anything, which is why I am using the Call....XD. Um, I have an L cosplay at the ready, so...Uh....So, if we were to have a skit, we would need at least these characters:
L: Syd-Chan
Misa-Misa: Sugarlat/Kotoumi/Silence?
Ryuk[I would KILL to see one....No pun intended]:
And others are worshipped. So, is anyone up to the challenge?
One idea that just kind of popped into my head was L just kind of walking on stage thinking....Then. "I have an idea....In order to catch Kira....All members on the team must wear...Tiny mini skirts!!!!" Yeah, it could go one of two ways.....1) Light or somebody else walks on stage, wearing a skirt.... 2) L swears it's to 'catch Kira'. Just some idea....
Or maybe L eating some candy and then Light comes on saying, "You know...You're going to die of a heart attack one day..." and then just walking off.