XD Lulz, at least I'm not being attacked like other times. And actually NejiGaara is a semi-popular side pairing in SasuNaru fanfics, if you'll excuse the nerdness at knowing that XD
Really? i must be reading all the wrong fanfics XD Most side pairings i get are Iruka and Kakashi and uhm...who else was it... *stops and thinks* ummmmmm i dont remember
*hits top of head* i always read the fics were Naru-Naru is pair with everyone else (like Gaara, Neji and so on), through out the story but ends up with Sasuke in the end *shrugs* i'll be on the look out though for the GaaraNeji thing and see what its all about XD
And sure, Gaara'll probably be there since we all try and show up to photoshoots XD Most of the time anyways. Hopefully nothing else will be going on during that time though...And we can find other yaoilovers who apparently don't want to comment/don't check the forums XD
Yayness for Gaara being added to the.... *looks back on old post to see what its called* oh yeah...the group! lol (i know i am a dweeb!) I am hopin to get a LOT more people to come to this thing. But hey, I wont be picky. If only the people who post show up then so be it! We still got, what 2 months? till K-con. so we got time to get more Yaoi lovers! woot!
And don't worry, your Sasuke has plenty of time to post lol
true true. he does. knowing him he will wait till last min though! lol. Silly Teme.
ah well I better go. Taz ( my cat) is tellin me its bed time by steppin all over the keys and messing up my spelling (so if there are random number/letters or what not, it was HIM!!!)
Seeya ya later! bye Neji! Bye-Bye Iruka!