I got 32 sensor plates cut today. 32 more and I'll be done with those. Then I have to cut up thirteen 2x6's, twenty-two 2x4's, six 4'x8'x1/2" pieces of plywood, 64 sensor strips, and two 4'x8'x1/6" sheets of hardboard. After I've got all those cut, I get to glue the bases for the 4 DDR pads, order 8 buttons from Happ, get 2 project enclosures from Radioshack and drill them so I can put the plugs and buttons in them, order 2 USB controllers from the internet, get 2 24"x36" pieces of Plexiglass, assemble the frames for the DDR pads, assemble the 64 for sensors, put them in the pads, and wire them all up, wire up the 2 USB controllers within the CB's, attach plugs to the DDR pads, test the DDR pads and control boxes, build the cabinets, wire the speakers, find 2 more speakers for the second cabinet and wire those up, find a computer to put in each cabinet, buy a couple VGA M-M cables, test each cabinet with an HDTV for lag, get ITG2 set up on both computer, PAINT the cabinets, put the CB's in the cabinets, hook the pads up to the cabinets and get the universal offset synced for both systems, secure transportation and parking for the con for four 90-lb DDR pads, two 150-lb ITG2 Cabinets, myself, and everything else I'm bringing to the con, arrive early Friday morning to set up and do a final test of the cabinets, head to a party with my Laptop and two pads, party hard until 11ish, then take the pads back to the Game room and get them set up with whichever cabinet they go with, go to bed, and then. . . READY FOR KUMORICON!
I've also got to find a chance to go out to Gresham to sell my bass, Go to a Kumoricon meeting, meet a friend to get some important documents I left in her car, recruit ODS student leaders from every high school in North Clackamas School District because I'm the crazy overachiever who volunteered to do so, make a sketchup model of my mom's house, and organize a meetup in 12 days with all my DDR friends so I can prep them for the DDR tournaments so they'll run smoother.