Awsome job on that costume!!!! I'd totally be just like I was when I saw that episode "Oh so cooool!" Anyone else reminded of Yoh with Hikaru's headphones? XD; Maybe it's just me.
Hmmm for the wig, looks like Hikaru's got a bunch of the bangs that hang under the rest towards his ear- like he pushes that bunch behind his ear and the other bunch gets puffy? I wonder if there's a way to make that pretty accurate in a wig --- but that's cause I like to nitpick at wigs.
As for Tifa... Personally I'd try for a red ribbon, with the tails of the bow being a bit longer maybe?
Did I say I got my Roxas wig yet? XD Well I took some pictures in the school boy costume I'm thinking of doing. I'm thinking of wearing the girls costume there and changing out before the afternoon. (Ignore the cat please XD)