(I think he's technically 24 or so, since I think the show started in 1994 or something, and is still going. XD;; They say in the first series they start out as a trainer at age ten. :3 whoo for having old pokemon episodes. ^_^)
1) His voice cracks way too much
2) He thinks that he's cool for a kid swinging around a giant peice of metal that honestly woulden't harm anyone unless you beat them with it
3) His hair is like, insane spiky, worse than Cloud's, in my opinion
4) He whines constantly in the first game(But gets over it in the second)
5) His outfit in the begining of the second game(Before his outfit changes), as my friend says 'looks like he's wearing butt pants'.
6) He can't just tell Riku sorry and have him friggin' help them already
7) He doesn't realize Kairi was asking for it through both games
8 )*Small spoiler for those who haven't finished the first game* HE DIDN'T JUST JUMP ONTO THE ISLAND IN THE FIRST GAME! D< He was three inches away! He could have easily jumped on there and gone back with Kairi to the island. But nuuu! He had to have the stupid dramatic ending! >3<
9) He tends to be more useless than the sidekicks half the time
10) Every male character in that series is constantly trying to get in his pants, and he still doesn't realize it.
Yeah.. I've got issues with Sora. XD *Twitchtwitch*
As for our next contestant... Sailor Moon!