Alright to update everyone who can't get onto myspace and what not, this is the list that I have for people so said that they are coming or might be coming.
Nikkiolie/Summer - Temari/Albel (not sure yet)
Ryanne-Monday - Tifa
Sayda - Light
Iruka Sensei
laharlsama - Urahara
Mitsukai Mizu Amaya - Garnet
Mitsuki Sasaki/Black Rose - Tifa
Auricle (Maybe) - Zexion or Vexen
Erin - Kairi
Steven - Ryuk/Haruhi
tofutakeout - Lucia
NeonFoxRocks - Lelouch
danayoki - Kairi or Hinata
danayoki sister - ?
CatchxMe - Kakashi
NightLotus - Link
Hawk_Gyrl - Shadow Link
~boogiepop~ - Bridget
Invader spleen - Kairi
Ari - Ed
PockyReno - Reno
HatakeGirlX - Kuranai
if there is anyone that I left out let me know and I'll add you to the list. I will be updating the list on my myspace account which is located