Meh, an hour and a half. Not that bad, I suppose. [/got a crappy hotel] XD Good thing I'll be at the con most of the time!
oh my you got a crappy hotel thats an hour and a half away? @@ oh my go book yourself a new hotel, with gas prices its cheaper to get one thats less then a mile away lol....then again... i'm was going on taxi before lol lemme tell ya,
i got my dates wrong on the reserve so i had to book a new hotel, well as i was searhing i thought bout it a bit, i'd be spending about 60-70$ a day on the taxi if i stayed at the cheap one and if i got the more expensive one i'd be 10 minutes a walk away...
so i get the 2-3 star one which is closer but double the price.
say i spent 60 $ for 3 days thats 180
cheap hotel, 120
expensive hotel, 230
i went from a 1 star hotel to like a 3 star, 4 miles to .4 miles and i'm spending about 70$ less