Author Topic: 2008 August 16th GM Minutes  (Read 5368 times)

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Offline staze

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2008 August 16th GM Minutes
« on: August 07, 2008, 10:55:32 am »
General Meeting of Altonimbus Entertainment
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Presiding: Michael Andrews, President

Meeting called to order at 1:05PM

Forty-five voting staff being present, a quorum was obtained.  Agenda: Unfinished business, Reports, New Business, Good of the Order.

Unfinished Business:
Moved by Steve Unfred and seconded by Valerie Munkers to amend the bylaws as described in the motion attached.

Live, civil discussion ensued.

Staff from the following departments spoke for or against the motion.
Benefits (Treasurer)
Publicity Director
Relations Director
Former Treasurer (Tara)

Points included concern about swift removal of hazardous personnel to reduce liability to the Con if the worst should happen with respect to sensitive information, rebutted by vision that staff can and should make that decision.  Concerns about time and sensitivity of information were raised again.

Also noted was the research required to determine qualifications of candidates.  Rebutted by suggestion that board nominees review qualifications of fellow nominees.

According to law, only staff can remove someone from a staff-elected position.

Concern was raised about strife between Chair and Vice Chair if a Vice is elected who is not willing to work in concert with the Chair.

Speed and Teamwork were revisited.  Also noted was a lack of awareness of how this affects other bylaws.

Guy Leturno moved that we table until the general meeting in October.
Vote: 36 for, 9 against, 7 abstain.  Motion to table carried.

Relations: We can haz energy drinks.  Also, Brondo.  However, no deodorant for the swag bags.

Treasurer: Money now coming in faster than being spent (until the hotel bill comes).  Get expenditures to Treasurer BEFORE ELECTIONS.

Vice: VICE IS THE ORACLE.  She answers all questions.  If she doesn’t know, she’ll find out.  Also, if you are considering accepting a nomination for an office, NOW is the time to connect with people and find out what exactly your possible future job entails.  Current pre-reg number is 2340.  Maid Squad needs more volunteers of any gender.

Programming: PDF of pocket guide has been posted.  Still accepting reg for Art Show, Karaoke, Cosplay, Cosplay Chess.  Need official cosplayers for the scavenger hunt.  Fanfic submissions are closed.  Art contest submissions can be brought to the con.  There are Gaming-room-loan and tabletop-game-loan threads on the forum.  AMV show is 108 minutes long, not counting comment clips; so probably about 2 hours. Cosplay skit entries are needed.  Also need volunteers for chibi room.

Publicity: Con Books and Pocket Guides have arrived.  Most stuff has been ordered.  Design is awesome. 

Operations (assistant): Staff forms being accepted today.  Currently have 19-25 yojimbo registered, expecting 4000 attendees.  Remember the Alamo.

Facilities: Super Secret Slide presentation of next year’s venue.

New Business:
No new business.

Good of the Order:
Tom the Videographer will make DVDs available to interested parties containing the taped general meetings as have been posted on YouTube.

Meeting adjourned to Breakouts at 2:32 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Jo Ayers, Assistant Secretary and Parliamentarian
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 12:36:04 am by staze »
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"