Since the other FMA thread was actually started for, well, last year, and all discussion on it is not relevant to our interests anymore...Yeah.
Anyway, folks! All us FMA cosplayers need to decide what day and time we want to do our photoshoot on, because we really are getting down to the line, and no one seems to have said anything on the matter yet.
So...I'm going to toss out....Saturday at 5:00 pm. Please, please somebody join me in planning! Unless we aren't going to have any FMA cosplayers this year...
That would be strange.
For the record, I'm cosplaying as Ed with bad eyesight and if he actually gained weight equal to the mass he intakes (lol, fat and in glasses, in other words) and the (manga, and easier to make) Gate of Truth. I'm looking for people to eat in the halls as the Gate, btw. Maybe I should get myself a shiny red rock?