I am trying to get some ideas on anyone who might be intersted in haveing a more dedicated filk and live preformace space at Kumoricon next year. Unfortantly I am horrid with names so I remember people by sight and what they did. I noticed a few filks during the Kareoke contest, FilkArise's and the 12 days of Resident Evil. But we also had some live preformers as well There whs the person who played with there song for the kareoke contest and the live music group ( there name had something to do with snails) that played in the hall.
I would like to know if people think this is worth the time to try and setup. Admitly I haven't been to many naime cons but to the best of my knowlage there hasn't been much in the way of Dedicated Live preformance space. Ok yes there is cossplay that I haven't had a chance to see even onece.
Ok I am going to stop now before I ramble on to much. I have some Ideas and I hope to hear back from some people about this for next year.