You wouldn't have to have searched '.pdf file done by Tom'. I mean, if you search '2008 schedule', I'm sure you would have found that same pdf. A schedule is found on pages 14 and 16 for Saturday, 18 and 20 for Sunday, and 22 for Monday
here.What panels will be there and what days and times they will be active. Found in the schedule.
What restaurants and food courts are nearby. Found in the .pdf file.
What days the guests will be there. (Some con goers are only going to come for one day, they may want to know what day is best.) The guests have certain time slots alloted for things such as Q & A and autographs. Those are also found in the schedule.
What events are happening, and when. All of the Con organized events are in the schedule
Where are good places to park, if I can't park at the hotel. Also in the .pdf that Tom made.
OK I really like playing one of the games listed in the tournement link. So when will the tournement be? In the schedule of the pocket guide.
Any info at all about the creation station and fan fiction links. THEY ARE ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE FORUMS! Most people should check the forums. Only so much information can go onto a site, but the amount a forum can hold is large. Most of the important threads are stickied. If you don't have enough time to check the forums for a minute or two to find what you are looking for, you shouldn't start complaining.
A map of the con. This is found in the program booklet. It will be in your Con bag once you arrive, but if not, it can be found on page two of the .pdf found
here.A list of dealers. A list of dealers would be very hard to do, seeing as some people back out and the sheer size of the amount. I would reccommend just to go with the flow. I mean, there's something there for everyone.
I mean, I can see how you would want this information on the site itself, but I have no reason to complain myself, as I am on the forums regularly. I'm not in a position to edit any information on the site, but if I was in your case, then I would PM the admin or a mod to see if they could do anything for you.