This is a major longshot, but I am trying to find a picture of my costume -- It was a last minute decision to attend so I wasn't a character per se - I was more of an amalgam of various anime characteristics... I wasn't the subject of any shots, but I am hoping someone has me in the background...
I only came on Saturday and I arrived at around noon... I was mostly inside, but I went out to the park at around 8 PM to watch the Red Rover game...
I was pretty much all in red and white, except for my black 3-inch platform boots... White ruffled blouse, red bodice, regular pigtails pretty high up on my head with braided and ribbon-festooned pigtails below them... You would have known me by my ginormous red skirt - it was easily 3-feet wide and poofy as hell...
I forgot to have my friend take a picture and I want to show my co-workers how gigantic the skirt was

Any help is appreciated!