okay let me ask you guys
na-ru-to or nar-u-to ?
I pronounce it na-ru-to(only with out spaces) because thats what I learned in japanese class, and thats how i hear it when i watched subed anime,(with exeption if empasis is put on it like a whine) . tho i am not very good on giving the r's the slight L sound its supost to have, but that is a toung not listening to me issue
why i ask is during the charity auction, i would say naruto and some peeps in the front would shout
"its naruto naruto naruto!!111"
it got a little anyoying. so i am just asking what is the deal?, I am told that its because the american anime pronouces his name like that? which i wouldnt know because i'm a sub junkie, some dubs cause me physical pain