I usually perfer to be called a geek over a otaku
Dana is refering to the fact I'm 24 years old.
despite that age, I dun really have any long time friends, some of which we just stop talking.
never dated either
-_- that sucks. its been like that for me the last couple of years since I haven't been to attend school. I was very very very lonely when I had no one I could talk or hang out with about a year ago. somewhat better this last year as I moved, but it can still feel like my existence isn't noticed.
I dun like how in america, there is this culture of picking on the newcomers -_-
there are times when I feel like that isn't the case. like when my roommate get a visitor(who I'm also friends with) or asked if he wants to come along to the store or something and I dun even get a hello!! >_<