:3 I slept terribly for some reason. Post REM sleep suuuuccckkkks. I had a dream that it was Wednesday, but we flashed forward two weeks so it was the 18th, except the 18th of November is on a Tuesday, and tomorrow was my birthday and it was gunna be Thursday, but my birthday's on Wednesday, anyways, so we're in this fast food place..... I'm not sure who we was, I'm pretty sure it was people from the forums.... and we get there and I'm like super hungry but then when I realize its the 18th I freak out cause we skipped two weeks, and I just get a soda, and I'm sitting there and freaking out and drinking my soda.
....wow....score me for unrelevancy... oh wait, I had this other dream, and the only thing I remember from it was that I was talking to this guy, and he was the one saying something and I raised my hand, which had scissors in it, and cut off part of my hair, and as soon as they went *snip* he stopped talking and we watched my hair float to the ground, and then I remember thinking, "Oh good its in the front I can pass it off as bangs." and him just staring at me.
I'm done I promise.