oO; I've been studying stuff similar to psychology- but more so along the lines of "character development" for stories and stuff. Got to read all sorts of morals and things last year, and this year I'm taking more Greek things- like we're starting off reading
The Iliad. Which I should really be reading instead of (lots other stuff).... XD;
Anyhow, touching up the keyblade AGAIN. Dang globs.
I also re did my styrofoam Timcampi cause I doubt my friend can send me the plushie one in time.
I cut off the wood tail that was there before, inserted lots of hot glue and pushed in the .... whatever they're called ... Pipecleaners? They aren't the awsome darker gold ones I had for the wings. Not sure where that pack went but oh well... then I made them all circly ish.
Very cool, pencil =3