sometimes I make soda runs to 7 elevens. its about 15 minute walk to there.
That's what I used to do when I lived with grandparents in 'not -damned-thing-to-do' town.
The problem is that the sugar in the soda pretty much negates what little exercise you get from the walk.
I know how you feel though, I don't like to go for a walk with no destination.
As far as getting in shape; you know what really haelped me?
Not having two dead kidneys. I tell ya, getting a working made one hell fo a difference.
So there ya go! Drink a ton of soda till you distroy your kdineys and then get a new one! You'll feel MUCH better by comparison!
Dislcaimer: Joudanjou..honto, bakani janaiyo. ( I just got out of Japense's addictive.)
As far as sports go, I really enjoy physical activity but none and I mean NONE of my friendss do. It's diffcult to play sports by yourself, I've tried.
I play the Bleach Wii game a lot, ( lame ass friends wont even do THAT!) if you play it long enough it will give your arms a work out.