Well, hello there! I'm Stephanie, but I have many other names such as Ed, Spaz, you with the face, that girl that can't use her indoor voice, and that one chick who doesn't act her age. :'D No one really calls me Siren anymore, this account was created before I came up with a better name: Spaztastic. I'm 20, but I don't look or act like it. I keep expecting magical fairies or elves or perhaps dancing pocky sticks to pop up and tell me that there was a mistake with my birth certificate. I currently have that tomato song from Hetalia stuck in my head, despite knowing very little about the actual series. I'm usually the one who likes the series no has heard of, like Noein, Heat Guy J, and After School Nightmare. Final Fantasy IX is far superior to the others, especially X-2 and VIII, no matter what the fanboys say. I dance primarily in the kitchen when I'm supposed to be doing the dishes, I'm trying to get a job and move out, and I love wearing shoes in the house.
I think that's a sufficient introduction, don't you? ^^