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Offline lychee-twist

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Helpful Cosplay Links
« on: October 01, 2008, 01:54:14 am »
Alright, I posted most of these in a previous thread, but I decided that if I start my own thread, these links might be more readily available for those people who need a little guidance (like myself).  It's sorted out by category, but I have placed a General Tutorial section at the bottom along with a link to Books and info you can purchase. I feel like General Tutorials could become a huge category, and for ease, it'd be best on the bottom. The Books for Purchase link is in case you aren't finding what you need and really want some great guidance without the need for a computer. If there are any problems with the links or issues with them (such as I'm not allowed to link to what-have-you site) please inform me immediately, and I will remove them.

Here's a finger stylus tutorial that can be easily modified to make finger bondage and finger armor plating. Thank you to robbtoberfest on Instructables:

For the increasingly popular goggle look, some steampunk goggle tutorials might enlighten you. Here are some from the Instructables site with username before the link:

Armor (generalized)
Jedi Elf Queen has some great tutorials about making armor out of several different materials. I also suggest (if you haven't already) checking out the tutorials under Styrene, Fiberglass, and Wonderflex:

Here is a link to a list of Walk-Through armor tutorials by Amethyst Angel:

Here's a tutorial by The Renaissance Tailor that recreates a 16th and 17th century corset:

For those of us on more of a budget or who can't find the right boning, Roethke, a Craftster user, provides a great tutorial on an underbust corset using juice jugs as boning. She clarifies any details in the comments:

Make your life easier with those tricky sewing projects! Make your own dress form mannequin of your own body to help dart correctly and hold those nasty pleats in place. has some great tutorials, and Etsylabs provides a slightly better set-up tutorial (INMO), but the same basic concept. I put up all three duct tape versions for, well, the crud of it, I guess.

Paper Tape:
Duct Tape:
Molded Paper-mache:

Fiberglass, Styrene, and Wonderflex
Amethyst Angel's tutorials for using polystyrene and Wonderflex to make props and armor are very helpful.
Styrene Armor-making (excellent with intro to other material as well):

Paper Wings provides three tutorials about using fiberglass for those brave enough to try it:

Gems and Jewels
Michaels not have what you're looking for to add some 'zazz to your cosplay? Try making your own! The first tutorial for smooth shaped jewels is from Amethyst Angel from YouTube! Hooray video tutorials!:
Part 1:
Part 2:

She got the info from HCC Cosplay, a most seasoned set of cosplayers with skill that clearly shows it:

This isn't entirely a tutorial site, but it's got some great tips and some instruction on how to fashion your own gloves:
Here's the entire glove section on the Vintage Sewing site:

Kimono and Obi
(Please note, obi bows can have different meanings. Certain bows, like I believe the bow that's looped flat against you're back, can mean you're married ;)) Paper Wings has an illustrated guide to tying an obi in a nice bow, like way: has an amazing site filled with information on kimono and several tutorials regarding anything having to do with kimono:

LED and Lighting
I've never used any lighting in any cosplay, but I'm very curious and would love to see some ideas and links! This very simplistic Introduction to LED lights by noahw on Instructables might help out n00b-electricians like myself:

Instructables user benthekhan provides a nice method of getting LED circuits. Not a lot here, but good for starters:

For a really insane, really realistic lion mask that's animatronic, has amplified hearing AND stereo night vision, Solion of Instructables provides users with a 117 step guide to creating such a... I don't know how to describe it. Just check it out:

Molding and Casting:
Amethyst Angel provides really awesome, in depth tutorials about three different types of casting:

HCC Cosplay has some great tutorials for molding and casting as well as  useful answers to your polyresin casting questions on their FAQ page:

Props and Weapons
Amethyst Angel once again has some great tutorials. Her blog sometimes does not have a complete tutorial, but you can learn a lot by looking at the process and roaming her tags:

Featherweight posted a large thread on about tutorials he made for specific props and weaponry. DEFINITELY worth checking out if you have patience, time, and a not a lot of money. Did I mention he primarily uses cardboard?:

For those of you who don't yet want to try construction or want to modify a store bought weapon prop, here's a tutorial on making a store bought pirate pistol more authentic thanks to TribalDancer on Instructables:

Instructables had a cheap light saber tutorial by Ricardoaraujo that some of you might like:

Gmjhowe has a very involved, thorough, and harder level steampunk gun tutorial. Good for those of you who want to try their hand at more unconventional materials or really push their skills:

Another great tutorial for a steampunk gun includes using leather, LED lights, and video to help describe the process. Brought to you by gmjhowe again. The painting technique he used looks amazing. Great for cosplay props that need a little beat up look:

Tristen Citrine has great tips on making antennae bangs, cutting bangs, and wig basics:

For a wig store with heads and necessary items:

For tips on dying wigs and recipes, here's a helpful link thanks to Sugarlat!

Wings and Harnesses
HCC Cosplay offers two great tutorials, one for wing construction and the other for harnessing the wings. I've never made the harness before, but I bet you can modify it with enough thought to fit it to what you need:
Large Wing construction:
Wing Harness:

For a more easy-to-handle set of wings to wear for cosplay or even as punch to an awesome outfit, fairywingsandthings on Instructables provides a good step-by-step tutorial:

Paper Wing has an adorable wing tutorial on a much smaller scale. Useful for CLAMP style wings a la Sakura:

Instructables has a tutorial about making articulated wings so that they open and close with the motion of your arms:
This one by T0BY:

Rachel from Instructables has a video on how her articulated wing frame works as well as how she did it (no feathers, though):

General Tutorials
This slot is just links to general tutorials about miscellaneous stuff.

Antimony and Lace has more goth inspired tutorials, but useful even for those not seeking that look:

Craftster has a forum thread that inspired this particular one. I highly recommend searching through this!!:

The Renaissance Tailor also is worth looking through for it's sheer amount of tutorials and advice:

HCC Cosplay has well more tutorials than what I've listed here (like vacuum-forming and pattern tips). Here's the general link:

The Mystic Lord costume by houseofdarkly on Instructables has several techniques from sewing to amor to making horns. Worth a gander for several cosplay:

Here are Amethyst Angel's videos on YouTube. There are some other, non-tutorial videos mixed in, but that's okay!:

Books about Cosplay for Purchase
For a last tidbit, I recommend purchasing Amethyst Angel's books or CD-Books for the most in-depth, easy access methods of making cosplay as a whole. She's a well-respected, many time awarded cosplayer that does take commissions for those in need of them.
Here are her books for sale:

Well, that's it for now! I hope you guys find use out of the links. If my weird little post is hard to understand or if you have contributions, feel free to drop a comment about it :)

Thanks, everyone!
-Lychee (who in no way claims any of these tutorials as her own and has posted them up for strictly non-profit, helpful purposes /disclaimer)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 07:26:28 pm by lychee-twist »
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 02:01:08 am »
thats a lot of links O_o

I'll have to ck them out, should be useful when I decide that winged character....when I figure who that is...

thanks for gathering it all though ^_^
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Offline lychee-twist

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2008, 02:23:40 am »
It took me two hours to find all that and put it together. It's sort of hypnotic. Hope it helps ^^;
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2008, 02:46:26 am »
oml! there is one on articulated wings!!!  that sounds so awesome....

I so want to find a character to make that with now.....
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Offline nikkiolie

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2008, 08:22:47 am »
that is a lot of links x.x This may become a sticky quite fast.

Thanks for all the helpful sites ^_^

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2008, 08:24:32 am »
Something else on the boning front for the budget-minded: Home Despot and similar stores carry industrial-strength zip ties -- I forget the exact dimensions and mine are in a box somewhere at the moment, but they're something like 1/2" wide and reasonably thick -- maybe 3/16"?  I used them as boning in a bodice, and they work pretty well, even for more busty folks.
Two pieces of advice if you choose to work with them, though: try to round out the ends or cap them somehow, as they tend to want to poke through your fabric (if I was doing it over, I'd clip the ends round or file them and then coat them with nail polish), and an excess of heat will warp them -- they're plastic, after all.  OTOH, I've put mine through the washer (cool) and dryer (low) without problems, but the lines on a bodice are straighter than a corset.  If nothing else, they'll give you a lot more support than the crapfeatherweight boning you can find in craft stores.
Sorry, I blither.

(This list is an awesome and helpful resource, though -- I'm gonna spend a while digging through those sites!)

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2008, 08:41:50 am »
wow! that's a lot. I skimmed through a couple but I can tell there's definitely a bunch I'm going to use. the 'make your own mannequin' is really helpful. I have no money to buy them so one made customarily for me is fantastic. :3 and wig tutorials too! *scampers all over the page*
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Offline lychee-twist

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2008, 01:32:12 pm »
Personally I'm going to be making the paper tape dress form. I can get a large roll for about $7 at Staples. I'll buy about two or three rolls to make sure there's enough of the stuff. Should cost me a little over $20 in total.

My friend made a duct tape dressform without the stuffing, and it worked out alright, I guess. Got crushed later on, though. Stuffing is expensive after a while, too. My Ordon goat plush from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess took six bags to stuff it. I can imagine that six bags would probably be enough for someone petite and skinny.

I'm looking up petticoat and hoopskirt tutorials right now. If I find anything, I'll post it, but it's pretty tricky to find a good tutorial about the subject.
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2008, 01:40:54 pm »
Thanks for all the links. I need to read up on how to apply LED lights to Kona's Ryuk costume when it's finished. ~ ~ Red eyes for the win.
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2008, 01:48:51 pm »
I'll look up some LED tutorials, too. I don't need to know about it any time soon, but I've seen awesome cosplay done with them. Wouldn't mind trying it myself one of these days.

If you guys find any links you get use out of, please post them here!
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2008, 03:39:18 pm »
nifty stuff! ;D
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2008, 03:39:43 pm »
This is a fantastic list! I will definitely be using some of these tutorials in the future.  :D
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2008, 03:57:53 pm »
Thanks a bunch for the list Lychee!  I'm especially interested in the armor and wing tutorials.

Though, I'd like to make a pair of articulated wings that will fan out and stay that way (no matter how I move my arms), yet still be foldable for navigating crowded hallways.  Maybe I could modify one of the designs in the tutorials with some sort of locking mechanism...
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2008, 05:30:27 pm »
My eyes hurt from all the reading! @_@ *lol'd herself to death* (never take my username for granted...seriously)

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2008, 08:06:11 pm »
Yey thank you this helped me somewhat =3
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2008, 08:13:12 pm »
I'll likely refer to this the day I decide to do the cosplay you see in my avatar.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2008, 08:13:25 pm by Seraph »
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2008, 01:10:40 am »
Updated wig section with a link to a wig store.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 01:19:49 am by lychee-twist »
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2008, 01:51:10 am »

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2009, 09:07:19 pm »
Ooh! Fantastic! Thank you!
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2009, 09:12:02 pm »
does anyone have a link about making gloves? I need to make some for Albel. Just formal gloves that come past the elbow.

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2009, 10:02:09 pm »
Holy shiz
This is very helpful 8D
If i end up making another Keytar I'll give you guys the link incase you feel like randomly making a keytar like me 8D

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2009, 10:24:36 pm »

*really need the corsette one for peach and couldnt find it* THANK YOU

xD cap aside i do have to mention that your link about creating your own manakin is broken. which depresses me because i wanted to make one D:
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2009, 07:24:30 pm »
does anyone have a link about making gloves? I need to make some for Albel. Just formal gloves that come past the elbow. This looks pretty good from what I can tell. At the very least it has some really good tips. There's a lot of knitting patterns, but I'm guessing that's not what you're looking for.

Here's the full glove making site:

i do have to mention that your link about creating your own manakin is broken. which depresses me because i wanted to make one D:

Which one? The paper one? I tried it and very, very nearly passed out because I hyperventilated with tape on. Then the tape was so waterlogged that it wouldn't stick really well and fell into itself. I want to try again, though. It kind of worked. If you try it, just make sure you wet the glue part and not the entire tape strip. That does not work. Here's a duct tape version. Here's the original paper tape tutorial. Note the use of a sponge, not a bowl full of water XD;;
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 07:28:22 pm by lychee-twist »
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2009, 07:26:05 pm »
i want to try the paper macha version
returning with a vengeance to K con~

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2009, 07:27:55 pm »
I see. That's a really involved tutorial, so you know. It looks very expensive and very hard, but I'll try and find the link. I also think that that tutorial would present the best results and product.
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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2009, 07:29:16 pm »
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2009, 08:23:29 pm »
does anyone have a link about making gloves? I need to make some for Albel. Just formal gloves that come past the elbow. This looks pretty good from what I can tell. At the very least it has some really good tips. There's a lot of knitting patterns, but I'm guessing that's not what you're looking for.

Here's the full glove making site:

i do have to mention that your link about creating your own manakin is broken. which depresses me because i wanted to make one D:

Which one? The paper one? I tried it and very, very nearly passed out because I hyperventilated with tape on. Then the tape was so waterlogged that it wouldn't stick really well and fell into itself. I want to try again, though. It kind of worked. If you try it, just make sure you wet the glue part and not the entire tape strip. That does not work. Here's a duct tape version. Here's the original paper tape tutorial. Note the use of a sponge, not a bowl full of water XD;;
Thank you for that. I will use it when I have to make my gloves XD

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2009, 10:23:35 pm »
Hey here are some of the tuts I use for cosplay i find handy <3

A general guide on doing photography for cosplay, talks about lights, settings colors of fabrics and wigs ect, it even dabbles into make up a little! very handy for cosplaying!

A guide on posin for your photos! I really like this one xD It also dabbles into camera things such as the flash and focus... it helps with expressions and thinking about how your character would pose

it also talks about cosplay and con manners! ._. very handy stuff we got here

The final guide is for styling a wig, this is Sasuke style but its really good if your wig has spikes!

also heres another one from the same person... its a bit of a rant about cosplay that i think most of us can agree with xD it's not really a tutoriol but i like it, and its about cosplay

and for all of you guys who know who Chris is (awsome guy who attends kumoricon) hes mentioned in here xD thought that was kinda cool

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2009, 12:55:08 am »
*delayed response*

Thanks! That's great! I'll post those when I have a little more time to.

Say, administrators, could we possibly get this going as a sticky, please? I think the links would really help people out. I had to dig through the forums to find the link to the glove part for my friend ^^; It's a bit of a hassle. Sorry for the demands.
Kumoricon '12: Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"

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Re: Helpful Cosplay Links
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2009, 10:47:08 am »
this could help for those trying to style a wig with spikes

Its for Roxas but it give a good idea of how to do it ;D