360 all the way. Xbox live may cost, but if you think about its really cheap. 20$ for 3 months? sweet deal. 50$ for 13 months? sweeter deal. we have Oblivion, better rock band possibilities, final fantasy 11, the new one coming out-Fable 2 (holy crap this game is gonna be awesome, im working my butt off this weekend making the money to get it tuesday), all sorts of first person shooters,the arcade, you can hook your computer up to your xbox and listen to music and watch videos(thats right even anime) on your tv from your computer through your xbox. its more of a mature system, the graphics are waaaaaay better. the variety of games is astonishing. I just got done watching my neighbor totoro from my xbox actually. If you go with xbox there are so many kinds of games you can never get bored. each one looks completely different from the last. plus mean people wont call you a Wiitard. thats a good bonus I must say.