Just wanted to say I had a GREAT time at lite with all of you guys, even if I did leave early ;_; (though a few of you saw me for my quick one minute return to retrieve a book I left at the check in desk)
it was also nice to see everyone, cause for a good lot of you that may be the first time weve met in RL ._.; Cause I missed the meetup pannel for K con 08.....
oh well, I had fun, just wanted to say that, :3 and you guys did a nice job at pulling it off.
Oh and whoever has those pictures of tanis, or pictures of my wedding, or any pictures at all. I want them. Especialy the ones of Tanis's transformation to Tanny!
EDIT: yarg acidently put this in get involved not general x.x sorry! some one move this for me later... (dont know how to do it myself)
EDIT: thanks to whoever moved this :3